American Quarter Horse Association Testifies Before Congress

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America’s Horse, May 9, 2007 – The American Quarter Horse Association testified Tuesday, May 8, before the U.S. House of Representatives Agriculture Subcommittee on Livestock, Dairy and Poultry on the welfare of animals in agriculture.

The Subcommittee heard testimony from various representatives from animal health groups, the animal agriculture industry and animal welfare organizations about the status of animal welfare in American agriculture. AQHA was the only equine group to testify before the Subcommittee.

“The Committee gained insight not only on the issues facing animal welfare but also the solutions the industry is working through to ensure that we have a safe, plentiful and affordable food supply,” Congressman Leonard Boswell said in a press release. “It’s evident that livestock producers are vigorously addressing animal welfare issues.”

AQHA Director Leslie Lange was selected to represent the Association. Her testimony, which included submitting a copy of AQHA’s Official Handbook of Rules and Regulations that addresses the Association’s commitment to animal welfare, focused on the unwanted horse and ways the industry is trying to deal with the issue. Lange, from Colorado, appeared with beef, dairy, poultry and pork producers, veterinarians, the Humane Society of the United States and a representative from Farm Sanctuary.

“AQHA has long been committed to the welfare of the American Quarter Horse and all other animals used in connection with our activities,” said AQHA Executive Vice President Bill Brewer. “There are groups whose members believe our connection to our animals should be limited or stopped altogether. AQHA members love their horses and are coming together to try and address the welfare issues before us. We owe a great deal of thanks to Chairman Boswell, Leslie and the other panelists and U.S. Representatives who took the time to talk about this most important issue.”

To obtain a copy of the witness list and testimonies, please visit