Responsible Use of Antibiotics in Food Animals

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A National Institute for Animal Agriculture Publication. Activists continue to apply increased pressure on antibiotic use in food-producing animals, and activists’ messages are being more than heard.

They are being seen. Billboards posted by Chipotle Grill state “Get antibiotics from your doctor, not your beef.” Similar Chipotle Grill billboards have been aimed at the poultry industry.

Numerous food service companies have zeroed in on the public’s concern with antibiotic use in food animals and have developed their own antibiotic guidelines. Wendy’s, for example, has developed its own antibiotic use policies. Under “Managed Use,” Wendy’s policy states that “antibiotics used to treat food animals must only be administered by licensed veterinarians that have met all training and certification requirements.” Its “Human Health” guideline reads “Reduce overall antibiotic usage in food animals, especially when the class of antibiotics used is both a human and food animal medicine. Employ alternative therapies, or use antibiotics not used to treat human disease whenever possible.” Negative and frequently inaccurate headlines, editorials and messages on the Internet feed the frenzy.

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