
Debbie McDonald

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 When I won my first saddle I did not tell hubby about it. It was so hard to keep quiet about it. I was in Waco and on my way home. I had my saddle, buckles, wild cards breast collars and checks, all stuff that I had won in my front seat. I was lost and really going fast and I saw a flasher in my side window. So I slowed down and a cop pulls up besides me and points at me to get over. So I pull over and he saids we have been chasing you for two miles!! I said well I cant see you as I have an 8 ft wide trailer behind me!! I said Im not a thief. He said what is all that in your front seat. So I explained to him that I had won it. I still got a speeding ticket. So I get home, and I cannot back the trailer up in the driveway and hubby always would come out and help me so he comes out and opens the door and sees all my wonderful prizes!! He was more excited than I was!!!! Ticket or no ticket that was the best day of my barrel racing wins!!

Laura Schumann

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As for advice??? The best advice I could give anyone running barrels would be…. Have faith in yourself.  There are a lot of great riders out there WITHOUT great horses. There are men and women out there with the ability of achieve greatness in this sport. Not being mounted is the most awful feeling in the world if you are a competitive person. Don’t get discouraged. Take every run and learn something from it.  Don’t be afraid to ask for help. If the road to winning is your destination, then the journey there will build your character—don’t give up on yourself.