APHA offers more with new show management Web site

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FORT WORTH, TEXAS— Now, it’s easier than ever for show personnel to stay organized with the help of the American Paint Horse Association (APHA), which recently debuted a new interactive Web site, which can be accessed from apha.com/showmanagers. The new Web site is tailored to the needs of breed event managers and secretaries, and makes it a snap to find the exhibitor information needed.

The Web site offers a search feature, which allows show personnel to research and verify basic member and detailed exhibitor information by APHA ID number or name. Exhibitor details include the membership status, eligible age group, program enrollment status, eligible exhibitor to owner relationship, novice categories in which the cardholder is eligible to show and classification type—such as Open, Amateur or Youth.

This new tool promises to be invaluable to show managers and secretaries when verifying membership and processing entries for shows, either on the show grounds or post-event, when compiling results.

For more information
For further details about APHA-approved shows, visit apha.com/showing. Or contact APHA’s performance department at (817) 834-2742, ext. 773 or by e-mailing [email protected]