AQHA’s Junior Master Horseman Program Seeks Young Leaders

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The American Quarter Horse Journal - The American Quarter Horse Association is looking for 4-H or horse club teen leaders who want to help kids in their area learn more about horses with the Junior Master Horseman curriculum. Junior Master Horseman is a multi-level, experience-based curriculum for kids ages 7-11. The program uses vibrant characters and interactive lessons to lead youth through lessons about horses.

Interested teens are asked to contact their local schools and 4-H clubs to explore opportunities to lead a JMH course. Leaders will be challenged to visit at least two schools a semester to teach the non-breed specific horse curriculum.

This opportunity is a great way to earn 4-H Record Book Leadership points and build valuable experience for college and career résumés. AQHA also offers special recognition for volunteering time in the classroom.

For more information about becoming a JMH leader, contact (806) 378-4331 or visit www.aqhya.comA 4-H Teen Leader toolkit and progress chart is available on the site and gives helpful tips on how to become a successful JMH leader.

Junior Master Horseman lessons were designed using a variety of sources, including the Horse Industry Handbook by the American Youth Horse Council. The American Quarter Horse Association paid to develop the JMH program and its employees are responsible for developing, marketing and distributing JMH. Many other breed associations have supplied photos and information for the book. Levels 1 and 2 are currently available with levels 3 and 4 projected to come out in 2009 and 2010 respectively.

 AQHA news and information is a service of AQHA publications. For more information on The American Quarter Horse Journal, The American Quarter Horse Racing Journal or America’s Horse, visit