Loves to Run but Out of Control When he Does

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Hi Martha,
Our barrel horse is turning on a dime around the barrels and picking up speed in practice, at a walk, trot, an slow lope in practice, as we never run all out at home. When we warm him up he seems ready to run and loves to run, but he runs out of control.

We were in a wonder bit and went to a solid mouth piece/ nylon rope hack and we thought we had our problem solved, so we went to a stiffer tie down and a similar bit with twisted wire snaffle. Again he ran away again, it was suggested that we go to a Martha Josey barrel twisted wire snaffle dog bone bit and a shielded wire tie down.

What do you think? Again we have no problem in practice and we do several sets at a walk, whoa and back at the barrel, then the same at a trot, and an extended trot and then at the slow lope, every once and a while we will double up going around the barrels.
Please suggest away as we will try just about anything.


It sounds to me like your horse needs more education away from the barrels. Can you stop, turn and move him laterally at a walk, trot, lope and run away from the barrels? If not, then you haven’t got him educated with the basics and without them there’s a large gap in your training program. You also need to reinforce this horse’s rate point not only at a walk and trot but also at a run. Be sure that when you ask this horse for a response that you give him immediate release and reward from both your hands and your feet. I’m sorry I can’t suggest a bit but without knowing your horse or the rider I would just be guessing in the dark. You should probably try some kind of correction or roping bit in order to get him to stopping and listening, then when he does learn to respond correctly you may be able to go to less bit.

Martha Wright