14 yr old barrel and pole horse

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hi i have a 14 yr old barrel and pole horse she will do all of our playday events but i try not to use her on all well a month ago i decided i would go ahead and ride her on every thing but goats well on flags she went in perfect but on the poles next she refused to go in it was really hot out side so we figured that was it but during the next month before out next playday i was gone most of the month i was only at home long enough to pack and get ready to leave again well when i got home from camp the day before my playday.

i decided i would ride not hard just maybe walk and trot all my events well i was going into my warm up area and she refused to go in well my dad told me to get off and go catch my other playday horses while we were gone he got on her and tried she wouldn’t go in so he went and got his spurs she went in and out after that but the next day at my playday she refused to go in and me and my dad had stopped and got me some spurs on the way i was using them and she wouldnt go in so i got off lead her in got her completly in the arena and they closed the alley gate i sarted trottin her like we were just going around the pen and then took off. she did perfect i didnt use her on the next event then she did the same thing on the next event that i did but on the poles i started to go in she wouldnt my dad told me to trot her away from the arena and lope in circles i did then take off into the arena that was the last evnt i used her on because i had’nt ever tried her on goats what should i do because she always gets me in the top ten over all i love her to death and i’ve only had her since april 21 and right away she was a perfect horse for me but with her old owner she was horrible she would buck and rear and until i got on her we were’nt going to get her but she was a total differ’nt horse with what should i do were going to take her to the vet for a checkup and i have playday practice every wendsday i was thinking about just walking her on the barrels and all the other events to show her that she doesnt always have to run and could her problems be with her feet or horseshoeing shes never had shoes but we did notice when we bought her that there was a split all the wat up on of her feet but it had this over lap thing over it please emeil me at XXXXX@XXXX.com with any tips i dont know what to do


Your idea of walking your mare through the events is certainly a good one – when you practice, you should do lots of just walking and maybe trotting so that she learns that she doesn’t have to “go all out” every time she enters the arena or working area. The vet check is a good idea too since she seems to be worried about having to exert in competition – she’s telling you that something is bothering her when she refuses to go in the arena willingly. Make sure that your equipment fits her correctly and that she has no soundness or physical issues. Have your vet thoroughly check her legs, feet, teeth, ears and back for any soreness or pain.

Martha Wright

my name is kodie we did get my horse examined by a vet he said there was nothing wrong that it was a mental thing well we had this lady we knew come out and look at her she recomended another vet wethorford eguine sport medicine and surgery we got an appointment there the vet did a lameness exam and some other test he did decide she was sore in her front legs so he put a nerve block on her hooves then re did the lameness exam he said that she was sore in her hooves he told us to get shoes on her and give her bute for 6 days so were getting her shoes and are giving the bute if this doesnt work they want to take ex rays then maybe give her cortazone shots do you think this is a good ideal well thank you for your help please email me back with your reply my email is XXXXX@XXXXX.com thank you
