Training 3,5 year old Thoroughbred Arabian gelding

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Hi Martha,
I have got a lot of questions, but let’s keep it simple. Could you advise me on training my 3,5 year old Thoroughbred Arabian gelding? I want to run the barrels with him, but he has only just been ridden.

What exercises should I do with him before even thinking of the barrels? He’s got a temper and likes speed, so I think he’s a good prospect.

Thanks for your help.

Kind regards

Kelly Smith


First of all, you need to figure out why he has a temper – is he becoming confused because your signals aren’t clear and concise? Does your equipment fit him correctly.

You should keep your training sessions fairly short and very enjoyable for him so that he learns to like to try and please you.
You also need to be sure that his speed is completely under your control before beginning any training for speed events.

The key to successful barrel racing is being able to control your horse’s direction while asking for excess speed. This requires spending a lot of time on the basics and being sure your horse is comfortable with your signals and cues.

Begin working him slowly – at a walk and trot – until both of you have a lot of confidence in each other. If you don’t have our book, “Barrel Racing, Training The Wright Way”, then I would like to suggest your purchase a copy as it has lots of training information and exercises that you can do with your horse to develop comfort and confidence in the barrel pattern.
Martha Wright

Hello Martha,

Thank you for replying. I have learnt why he has a temper. The people who trained him before me didn’t use the right equipment. He got hurt a few times and I guess he just had enough.

I have put him in a field at home now. I have given him a week
to adjust and plan on start training him tonight.
Like you advised I will only walk and trot him for a while and will built it up easily.

Thanks again for writing back to me.

Greetings out of Belgium.

Kelly Smith