USDA announces timeline for National Animal Identification System

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USDA announces timeline for National Animal Identification System
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The Department of Agriculture has released an implementation plan for the National Animal Identification System, along with technical standards for the integration of private and state animal tracking databases.

Recent revisions to AVMA policy called for the rapid implementation of a mandatory NAIS. The USDA plan sets a timeline for implementing the NAIS by 2009, though the system remains voluntary.

The key components of implementation continue to be premises identification, animal identification, and animal tracking. The USDA has already registered more than 235,000 premises across the country, and the department recently issued guidelines for animal identification numbers.

Now the USDA has announced technical standards for animal tracking databases, which will enable integration of private systems into the NAIS. Private database owners may submit applications for system evaluation to the USDA and offer feedback as the department finalizes technical requirements. Then the department will enter into cooperative agreements with owners of databases that meet the standards.