The American Horse Council is representing the horse industry to congress

The American Horse Council is representing the horse industry to congress. Their representation is based on the consensus of the feedback they receive from the Equine Industry. You can read more on their website: Amy Mann is the Director of Regulatory Affairs, 202-296-4031 ext. 201, [email protected]. She is chairing the Council so you need to get your call into her and tell her how you want her to represent you!!

I personally don’t want to have to let the government know or have the government know every time I go to a jackpot, barrel race, or take my horse to a friends house. So far, the Executive Vice Pres of the Jockey Club, the Director of Industry Relations for the American Association of Equine Practitioners, the Thoroughbred Racing Protective Bureau (responsible for the Tattoo system of Race Horses), the American Miniature Horse rep and the AQHA are not hip to it (click here to read the doc on American Horse Council). Be sure and contact each of these Org/Assoc and let them know you share their views.

If you do nothing, you will have let it happen. Folks that is where this is going. They want to know exactly where your animals are at ANY given time! It is our responsibility to protect and safeguard our freedom. Forward this on to anyone you can think of in the horse world!! Go to this site and write or call your congressman today!

I have received numerous emails concerning this and have looked the site over myself. WE MUST LET THEM KNOW AND MAKE SURE THIS IS NEVER PUT IN INTO BEING. The USDA is a big proponent of this “Identification System”. Horses are not consumable in the US and therefore should not be subject to this. It is important to all who own livestock, including horses, so lets make sure the government understands where we, the public stand on this issue.

Now I have had a phone conversation with the Gentlemen working with the system here in Texas and he assured me it was coming no matter what I do. I am extremely uncomfortable with that considering the American Horse Council is telling us that it is only being “discussed” for the Horse Industry. We need to continue to let our Congressmen, the American Horse Council and all the Equine Organizations and Assoc know where we stand on this matter so that our freedom of movement and privacy of ownership of our horses IS NOT TAKEN AWAY FROM US…..... Here is the web site that contains the 74 page doc on the Identification system: . If we, as Horse owners, cattlemen and livestock owners do not launch a massive campaign to stop this now, we are going to be living in the quagmire of government permits, paperwork and fines for the privilege of owning a horse and raising cattle or livestock commercially. A plan like this should come from the Industry NOT Government.

You can contact your representatives online at: . The script that group mails everyone at once does not work but there is a contact form for each legislator that does work. Please, read the details and write today! Folks, as a home schooling Mom I have the wonderful opportunity to study History, Government, and many other subjects with my son. This also gives me the opportunity to see the cycles in History.

Anytime I see a push for “Tracking” of things; guns, livestock and anything else it brings to mind our world’s history of the last hundred years. Look and see where “innocent” tracking of anything to do with personal rights and freedoms has ended up. The Germans first wanted a listing of all gun owners and their guns, then a few years later this helped them take the guns away, then we all know where most of those folks ended up that were on the “Innocent Tracking” lists. Tracking in itself implies a lose of personal freedom. Where will it end once it starts? Technology was nothing compared to what it is today. Our privacy is something we must take seriously for ourselves and the future of our children and livestock! We all know in our hearts many of our freedoms are disappearing because we are allowing them to. Government is to be run BY the majority of people. It is not designed to RUN us. Please write your Congressmen, and Equine Organizations and Assoc and tell them your concerns!!

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