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Author Topic: All Texas People!! The TAHC moved the meeting date BACK TO MAY!!!!!!  (Read 2333 times)

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Offline Pam Cantwell

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Here is the link to the meeting notification: (Please pass this on)!!!

February 28: TAHC Commissioners Set Meeting March 23 to Consider Proposed Regulations for Premises Registration
View meeting details such as location, directions, etc.

PLEASE TRY TO ATTEND!! Now is the time for all of us to speak up for our freedom and our rights! Unless you want to register your ranch or farm, pay yet another gov. fee every year then have to microchip every animal next, then be tracked with your animals when you haul them anywhere by satellite GPS.

I guess they didn't want to give anyone time to organize so they moved the meeting forward to Thursday - March 23rd!

If you are in the dark about what is happening I'll refresh everyone's memory!

"For the first time in U.S. history it will be illegal to be a farmer without the government's permission."

Here's what all this means to YOU!!

The 358th Texas Animal Health Commission meeting was held Thursday Feb. 16, 2006 in Austin, Texas

First I would like to say that HB1361 went under our radar and was passed already and gave the Texas Animal Health Commission full authority. What does this mean to you and I if you live in Texas?

1. You and anyone that owns a horse, cow, pig, sheep, goat, chicken, llama, captive game bird, exotic livestock, captive cervidae, ratite or "other" is required to register your premises and pay a fee. It's free until July 1, 2006 (Isn't that comforting.) The government wants to know who you are and what you own! That's just the first step into the invasion of your privacy.....it gets worse.

2. If you do not comply by Jan. 1, 2007 you become a criminal!! And here's the penalty:

A) Under section 161.148 and entitled "Administrative Penalty" the Commission may impose an administrative penalty against a person who violates a rule or order adopted by the Commission. The penalty for violation may be in an amount not to exceed $1000. "Each day" a violation continues or occurs is a separate violation for purposes of imposing a penalty. The amount of penalty shall not be based on a per head basis and the Commission must base the amount of the penalty by evaluating six factors as provided by Section 161.148. After which the executive director would issue to the commission a report that states the facts on which the determination is based and the director's recommendation on the imposition of a penalty, including a recommendation on the amount of the penalty.

I want to let that part sink in for anyone reading this before I go on with the rest of the meeting content. I hope everyone noticed that you will never be able to own a small farm or even one chicken or horse in the state of Texas without having to pay a fee AND let the government know about it. You no longer have that right or freedom! Notice that the fine can multiply "each day" that you don't comply and the amount of your penalty will be recommended by the Executive director of the TAHC who is none other than Bob Hillman, DVM.......that's right....... a veterinarian! Follow the money trail. Veterinarians stand to make millions implanting and selling microchips! How do you like America now?!!

What can we do now? HB1361 needs to be REPEALED!! We can do this, I know we can!! Texas State Rep. Bryan Hughes of District 5 which includes Camp, Harrison, Upshur and Wood Counties sent word to the meeting that he would have voted "NO" to HB1361. (Unable to quote his exact reasons from the meeting due to lapse in note taking on my part at that time!) 

We, as American's, don't deserve our freedoms being ripped away from us!! It's happening right now!! PLEASE fight back!!

Here is the website to find out who represents YOU!!! Pass it on to your friends and family! Sign every petition you can! E-mail, write and call too!!

Keep in mind that according to one of the opposing speakers from Austin stated at the meeting that approx. 52 million dollars went to big Ag related businesses to get them behind this insane law! She called it "polite fear mongering about disease ".

As you can see it's the small ranchers, farmers and horse owners and our personal freedoms and rights that will suffer!

Ask yourselves: Whose business is it where you take your horse when you pull out of your driveway? Whose business is it if you own a laying hen? Like one gentleman said at the meeting: "This will be the first time in U.S. history it will be illegal to be a farmer unless you have government permission". It's only beginning with Texas.

The GPS chips you will be required to have implanted in your horses in the next phase of the USDA's proposed National ID system will track your every move with your horse! Every move! Every roping! Every barrel race! Every 4H show! Every horse show! Every cutting! We don't eat horses and we don't eat our family dogs. If this is about disease control, why weren't dogs and cats included? They can spread diseases. The reason is that the revolt of the people would be too great to imagine for our elected officials!  This is all about government control and it's only the tip of the iceberg as to what is to come.

This whole thing, as one lady stated at the meeting,  "amounts to nothing more than warrantless surveillance"!!

Please! Get involved!

Although any further rulings of the TAHC were postponed at the last meeting, they have set the next public meeting tentatively May 4, 2006. Time and place will be posted on their website. Meeting date moved up now to March 23rd!


A letter sent to John Kelso, a column writer of the Austin American Statesman Newspaper

Mad Horses or Mad Horse Owners?

John, I read your Friday, February 17th column about
Leslie.  On the same page was an article reporting:
"Vote delayed on tracking farm animals" by Claire
Osborn.  I suggest there is more than enough
ridiculously humorous material regarding the "National
Animal Identification System" and the proposed Texas
Animal Health Commission (TAHC) regulations to
implement an animal identification system in Texas for
a "bunch" of columns!

As an owner of a couple of nags, I am irate about what
the Legislature seemingly passed without any notice
and is now shoving down our throats via the TAHC
proposed regulations.  They (the Leg.) couldn't
address school funding adequately, and they couldn't
fund state parks adequately and they couldn't
seemingly fund anything else adequately, despite the
Comptroller saying we have $40 some BILLION dollars of
unspent money in the state coffers, but they COULD and
DID pass stupid legislation which now requires me to
register my horses!  And, to rub it in, to charge me a
fee of which approximately 80% will be going into the
state's "general fund" -- just another darn tax!

We all assume, of course, this "need" to register
livestock comes from the "mad cow" scares.  Well maybe
we DO need a system in place about animals we EAT, but
do we eat horses?  Or for that matter, do we eat dogs
and cats?  I suggest there are far more diseases
passed to humans by dogs and cats than by horses!  If
we're gonna register horses, why not register dogs and
cats too?  Or, is that coming down the line later,
after the current propositions are already in place?
Or do the Legislators just realize they'd tee off each
and every cat/dog owner and lose that battle before
ever beginning it?

The TAHC says the purpose of the regulations is to
protect the health of Texas livestock and that
includes virtually everything except dogs and cats and
most definitely includes horses, mules and jackasses,
excepting the two legged kind in our Legislature and
apparently in our Texas Animal Health Commission!  Why
in the H_ _ _ isn't the purpose stated as the
protection of people's health???  THE HEALTH OF HUMANS
-- does that come too close to universal medical
protection?  How many diseases are passed from horses
to humans anyway?  Other that a kick from a mule once
in awhile, I've never heard of a human getting sick
from an equine!

By the way, did you ever try to contact a
"Commissioner" serving on the Texas Animal Health
Commission?  I can get their names, but no address or
telephone number other than just the general, central
address, phone and e-mail of the TAHC.  Am I not
entitled to the home information via the rights I have
as a taxpayer and citizen?

Enough of this ranting and raving.  I'm going to do
everything I can to block these proposed regulations
or at least limit them to animals consumed by humans.
I'm also going to get involved in some demands on
Legislators to be more accountable to us voters.  In
the interim, I'm going to forward you an e-mail and
information which gives the specifics of the TAHC
proposed regulations so that you will know that my
facts and figures can be checked.  Thank you for your
time.  K.W. (kelly) Boesen, registered Travis County
voter; member and former Director, Texas Equestrian
Trail Riders Association; angry horse owner!  Address:
9304 Rock Way Drive, Austin, TX  78736, phone home:
(512) 288-3353 or cell 627-7439.

After any final rulings by the TAHC was postponed, they tentatively set the date for the next public meeting for May 4, 2006. Place and time will be posted on their website. Meeting date moved up now to March 23rd!!

More national info can be found at www.nonais.org
« Last Edit: March 09, 2006, 08:36:39 AM by Tamet Gould »
“When the government fears the people, you have liberty.  When the people fear the government, you have tyranny.”  ~Thomas Jefferson.

Offline Tamet Gould

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Re: All Texas People!! The TAHC moved the meeting date up to March 23rd!
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2006, 09:20:58 PM »
We will be there barring any unforseen problems  <..>  <IMSOMAD>  We are going to need some help with this folks.  PLEASE, as many of you as possible do your best to come!!!  :!    <IMSOMAD> <IMSOMAD> <IMSOMAD> <IMSOMAD>

You need to contact your state reps and tell them they need to push for this agency to die,  it is up for sunset review, and this move seems a desparate ploy to justify their exsistence and ripe our privacy rights and freedoms away from us. 

ACT NOW!!!!!  Sign petitions, call your state rep, let them know, as Texans we wont tolerate this.   Just because Wisconsin or any other state is willing to allow their rights to be ripped from them doesn't mean we do in Texas. 

Let your rep know that this archaic agency needs to fall by the wayside and let other state entities or private companies to continue to do their jobs without invading our homes, farms and ranches. 
« Last Edit: February 28, 2006, 09:35:06 PM by Tamet Gould »
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam - I will either find a way or make one.  "Can't lives on Won't street."

Let us be reminded of what Captain John Parker told his army at Lexington Green, the place where the War for Independence began in 1775. He said, “Stand your ground. Don’t fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here.

Offline Pam Cantwell

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Re: All Texas People!! The TAHC moved the meeting date up to March 23rd!
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2006, 11:07:58 PM »
Check out this website!

“When the government fears the people, you have liberty.  When the people fear the government, you have tyranny.”  ~Thomas Jefferson.

Offline Pam Cantwell

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Re: All Texas People!! The TAHC moved the meeting date up to March 23rd!
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2006, 11:14:36 PM »
Please try to get off work to be there! Bring the kids! Bring your neighbors! Bring everyone!!

Here is the letter I sent to Gov. Perry.........

HB1361 needs to be repealed!

"For the first time in U.S. history it will be illegal to be a farmer without the government's permission"

That needs to sink into everyone's mind! My father and brothers fought for our freedom and our elected officials are destroying our rights just as fast as they can without even asking us!

This law (HB1361) is ridiculous and to give the TAHC so much power to enforce this and apply penalties is even more absurd! VETERINARIANS! How much money will they make from the whole NAIS plan?!

I attended the TAHC meeting on Feb. 16, 2006 in Austin. The commissioners could not answer so many of the questions that were asked! It was clear they had not thought about the consequences of such imposition on Texas farmers and ranchers! It's another tax! Plain and simple. It doesn't matter to the politians that we are being controlled more and more by the government! We are supposed to BE the government and we weren't even allowed to vote on this!

Now the TAHC has moved their next meeting up to March 23rd from their tentative May date. Less time for the people to hear about all of this! I hope you will be there to see and hear from all of the good, hardworking Texans that elected you!
“When the government fears the people, you have liberty.  When the people fear the government, you have tyranny.”  ~Thomas Jefferson.

Offline Tamet Gould

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Re: All Texas People!! The TAHC moved the meeting date up to March 23rd!
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2006, 10:16:17 AM »
Go gettem Pam!!!!!   >:D  Think I need to shoot the Gov a letter monday myself, of course everyone does realize that it is Gov Perry that APPOINTS these guys to this agency right???  If you didnt you do now.  Lets encourage the sunset or dismantaling of this agency.  We have a Texas Agriculture Dept that can do this job and it is already getting done by the Texas Southwest Cattlemens Assoc and the Texas Veterinarians around the country at auction barns without them having to impose on our personal freedoms.  

Dont believe the scare tactics that they are screaming about, if you will notice in Mr Hillmans latest comments in the last published statement the TAHC made concerning their "moving up the date of the next meeting", Mr Hillman brings forth the instance of the Disease, "EXOTIC NEWCASTLE DISEASE", now lets examine that.  
  1.  This happened in California, not Texas
  2.  Exotic Newcastle disease (END) is a contagious and fatal viral disease affecting all species of birds. Previously known as velogenic viscerotropic Newcastle disease (VVND), END is probably one of the most infectious diseases of poultry in the world. END is so virulent that many birds die without showing any clinical signs. A death rate of almost 100 percent can occur in unvaccinated poultry flocks. Exotic Newcastle can infect and cause death even in vaccinated poultry.
  3. END affects the respiratory, nervous, and digestive systems. The incubation period for the disease ranges from 2 to 15 days.
    a.  How is TAHC going to implement this program?  How are they going to enforce it?  They dont have the capability to enforce a program that would stop an infectious disease of this magnitude without the lose of massive amounts of these poultry.  
    b.  They arent capable of the job, they still havent eradicated Brussilosis, or TB after 50 years and they arent even enforcing all the EIA laws on the books because they cant!!!!!
  4. END is spread primarily through direct contact between healthy birds and the bodily discharges of infected birds. The disease is transmitted through infected birds' droppings and secretions from the nose, mouth, and eyes. END spreads rapidly among birds kept in confinement, such as commercially raised chickens.  High concentrations of the END virus are in birds' bodily discharges. Therefore, the disease can be spread easily by mechanical means. Virus-bearing material can be picked up on shoes and clothing and carried from an infected flock to a healthy one. The disease is often spread by vaccination and debeaking crews, manure haulers, rendering truck drivers, feed delivery personnel, poultry buyers, egg service people, and poultry farm owners and employees.

The TAHC is not capable of carrying out the Premises and Identification Program.  If they arent capable of carrying it out, it DOESNT NEED TO BE ON THE BOOKS!!!!!

Now lets look at another side of this issue; the TAHC is already a year into its new budget, by law it must generate some revenue for itself.  As of yet, they are sadly not meeting their quota.  So what better way to generate funds than pass a regulation that they can charge fees for and generate some of their needed funds.   Now, they did a fee hick on the certificates that the vets have to order from them so that got them a little bit of revenue.  But it wont meet what is required for them to generate to stay in exsistence.  They even at one time tried to make it so they would review all EIA certificates but that was put down.  There were other things that they were proposing that was knocked down also.  So, this clearly leans to the consense that they are seeking funding through a form of taxation of the public animal owners just so the commission can survive.  

I for one dont feel like being taxed by another commission.  The TAHC needs to be dismantled and let the TDA handle these types of issues, after all they have more employees that are already out in the field doing these jobs.  What is the point of having a bureacratic branch doing what a state branch can handle and WE as consumers and animal owners would have a QUICKER voice instead of being ignored and run over by a bureacraic commission.

Let me tell you that this move is a clear indication that all they wanted to do was let us feel a sense of relief or gain confidence in our situation.  So they could come back in and strong arm this through so they can get their funding and continue in the commission.  

I am going to be contacting the associations and organizations that ebarrelracing.com is associated with and sending out petitions to be signed and returned to me.  These are items we will be taking to Austin.  We must stand together and regulate our government.  Please take action and sign these petitions I will be sending out and make sure that you write Gov Rick Perry, your state rep, and the Texas Dept of Agriculture.  

Aut viam inveniam aut faciam - I will either find a way or make one.  "Can't lives on Won't street."

Let us be reminded of what Captain John Parker told his army at Lexington Green, the place where the War for Independence began in 1775. He said, “Stand your ground. Don’t fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here.

Offline Tamet Gould

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Re: All Texas People!! The TAHC moved the meeting date up to March 23rd!
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2006, 08:03:03 PM »
They cancelled the March Meeting and decided to go with the May date.

Way to go Texans!!!!!  I know they did it because the heat was tooooooo much.   Lets stay on them and get this darn Bill HB 1361 repealed!!!!!  So, keep those petitions going, start riding your state reps rear and lets get rid of 1361

Aut viam inveniam aut faciam - I will either find a way or make one.  "Can't lives on Won't street."

Let us be reminded of what Captain John Parker told his army at Lexington Green, the place where the War for Independence began in 1775. He said, “Stand your ground. Don’t fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here.

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Re: All Texas People!! The TAHC moved the meeting date BACK TO MAY!!!!!!
« Reply #6 on: March 13, 2006, 06:32:30 PM »

Offline anniegrace

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Re: All Texas People!! The TAHC moved the meeting date BACK TO MAY!!!!!!
« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2006, 11:46:48 AM »
We asked our vet about the safety of the implant.  He said it will be enclosed in a glass tube - yes, I said glass.  Of course, my horses aren't accident prone or anything - so I'm sure this little piece of glass won't get broken to go throughout their body.

He wouldn't commit to agreeing with the idea or not, but did say that all vets will have to buy the "machine" to read the chips.  So, like someone already said on here - follow the money.

Offline Tamet Gould

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Re: All Texas People!! The TAHC moved the meeting date BACK TO MAY!!!!!!
« Reply #8 on: March 15, 2006, 02:36:58 PM »
EXACTLY!!!!!   :!

Watch it leave yours and head to theirs <IMSOMAD>
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam - I will either find a way or make one.  "Can't lives on Won't street."

Let us be reminded of what Captain John Parker told his army at Lexington Green, the place where the War for Independence began in 1775. He said, “Stand your ground. Don’t fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here.

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Re: All Texas People!! The TAHC moved the meeting date BACK TO MAY!!!!!!
« Reply #9 on: March 17, 2006, 10:55:21 AM »
March 15, 2006
The Dallas Morning News
Knight-Ridder Tribune
Karen Robinson-Jacobs
The Texas Animal Health Commission has canceled its March 23 meeting on a proposal to require livestock premise registration.
The commission says that the federal government needs to first decide how it wants states to proceed.
After a February meeting in which most speakers opposed mandatory premise registration, the Texas commission tabled the matter.
Now commissioners, who already implemented a voluntary program, have tossed the ball back to the feds.
www.ducheneaux.com- ranch raised quarter horses
www.streakiniron.com- barrel horses
http://thesouthdakotacowgirl.com See photos and learn stuff about the ranch!