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Author Topic: Republicans Ignore Cain Allegations at Their Peril  (Read 4837 times)

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Offline Tamet Gould

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Republicans Ignore Cain Allegations at Their Peril
« on: November 09, 2011, 05:37:54 AM »
What are your thoughts on the article?   Im pretty disgusted with the Media and some of my favorite Radio Talk Show hosts.    They are all about defending Cain, I want to know more info about all the candidates not just what they consider the front runners! 

For instance Michelle B has changed her stance on taxation in the last few days.   I want to know where they all stand so I can pick the best candidate to represent me.   Im tired of just coverage on one or two of them.   Just sick and tired of the media pushing us everywhere.    >:(

Republicans Ignore Cain Allegations at Their Peril
Monday, 07 Nov 2011 08:40 PM
By Ronald Kessler

You may recall that when he was New Jersey governor, Jon Corzine almost lost his life in a car accident after going 91 miles per hour without wearing a seatbelt.

Is it any wonder that as CEO of MF Global Holdings Ltd., Corzine made a risky bet and wildly over-leveraged the company, resulting in its bankruptcy?
You may also remember that Fred Thompson was widely known as a lazy senator.

“I’ve been friendly with Thompson for years,” Wall Street Journal columnist John Fund said on The Journal Editorial Report. In the Senate, Fund said, Thompson “had a reputation for being a little lazy.”

Is it any wonder that Thompson’s presidential bid fizzled after it turned out he hated campaigning and would often cancel appearances at the last minute?

Richard Nixon engaged in ethical violations that he addressed in his so-called Checkers speech. That he would later become involved in the Watergate cover-up should have come as no surprise.

Voters ignored Barack Obama’s lack of experience and the fact that he listened to the anti-white, anti-America, anti-Israel hate speech of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr. for 20 years. Now the country has a massive case of buyer’s remorse.

We now know that Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain has been accused by four women of sexually harassing them. Cain’s defenders have grabbed at every excuse known to man to defend him.

In embracing Cain’s criticism of the media for reporting the charges against him, Newt Gingrich told NBC’s “Today,” “What does it mean to the elite news media that nobody in the country ever walks up to us and raises the questions you raise?”

In the same manner, political reporters often fixate on atmospherics. They obsess about who is ahead in the polls, how they comb their hair, and how slickly candidates handle charges against them, rather than focusing on what matters first and foremost: character.

Character is who we are. Presidents and presidential candidates are real people. And as with any human beings, character failings will eventually reveal themselves.

As noted in my book “In the President’s Secret Service: Behind the Scenes with Agents in the Line of Fire and the Presidents They Protect,” because Secret Service agents are sworn to secrecy, voters rarely know what their presidents, vice presidents, and presidential candidates are really like. If they did, says a former Secret Service agent, “They would scream.”

“You just shake your head when you think of all the things you’ve heard and seen and the faith that people have in these celebrity-type people,” a former Secret Service agent says. “They are probably worse than most average individuals.” He adds, “Americans have such an idealized notion of the presidency and the virtues that go with it, honesty and so forth. In most cases, that’s the furthest thing from the truth....If we would pay attention to their track records, it’s all there. We seem to put blinders on ourselves and overlook these frailties.”

If a friend, an electrician, a plumber, or a job applicant had a track record of acting unethically, lying, or displaying the kind of unbalanced personality of a Nixon or former President Johnson, few would want to deal with him. Yet in the case of presidents and other politicians, voters often overlook the signs of poor character and focus instead on their acting ability on TV.

No one can imagine the kind of pressure that being president of the U.S. imposes on an individual and how easily power corrupts. To be in command of the most powerful country on earth, to be able to fly anywhere at a moment’s notice on Air Force One, to be able to grant almost any wish, to take action that affects the lives of millions, is such a heady, intoxicating experience that only people with the most stable personalities and well-developed values can handle it.

Simply inviting a friend to a White House party or having a secretary place a call and announce that “the White House is calling” has such a profound effect on recipients that presidents and White House aides must constantly remind themselves that they are mortal.

Unless a president comes to the office with good character, the crushing force of the office and the adulation the chief executive receives will inevitably lead to disaster. For those reasons, the electorate has a right to know the true character of its leaders and has an obligation to evaluate them as they would any job applicant. Republicans ignore signs of poor character at their peril.
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam - I will either find a way or make one.  "Can't lives on Won't street."

Let us be reminded of what Captain John Parker told his army at Lexington Green, the place where the War for Independence began in 1775. He said, “Stand your ground. Don’t fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here.

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Re: Republicans Ignore Cain Allegations at Their Peril
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2011, 07:25:46 AM »
Not only do people have an idolized opinion of the Presidency, they have the same misconceived notions of the media. We are taught to believe that if it's said publically in the media it's the truth. Well, sorry, that's just not the case. You only get in trouble for stating inaccuracies if someone questions what you are saying in a law suit. The media moguls have just as much if not more money as our politicians do. So they can fight and cover up law suits forever. People have evidently forgotten about the case several years ago where one TV station staged a senerio, filmed it and presented it as a news story. They got caught...that time. You only hear what the station owners want you to hear on any given news station and in any given newspaper. That's why if you have to watch more than one station to hopefully figure out what's going on. They say we are more informed than ever with all the information we have privlege to. Well I think we are more manipulated than ever before because of our preconceived notion that all of this information is the truth.

Offline Tamet Gould

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Re: Republicans Ignore Cain Allegations at Their Peril
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2011, 08:41:57 AM »
Well said Mel well said.

Here is another interesting article I came across today.   What I find is the complete flips he has done in his politics in the last 20 yrs as an adult.   

'Not Mitt Romney' for Republican Nominee

By Ali A. Akbar & John Hawkins and Matt Mackowiak
Published November 08, 2011

As conservatives, we believe that the moment has come to stand up, publicly, and profess what thousands of right-of-center activists, operatives, bloggers and everyday Americans know to be true: Mitt Romney should NOT be OUR nominee.

On Sunday, the one year anniversary of Election Day 2012, our coalition of 20 conservative professional activists, operatives and bloggers launched a website: NotMittRomney.com, with an online organizing petition, for the silent majority of American conservatives who remain unenthused, demoralized and depressed about the prospect of President Willard Mitt Romney.

Half measures are not what America needs at the present moment of extreme peril. One can turn to recent polling, Romney's allies favorite evidence of a mandate, to discover that Romney's strengths quickly are becoming his weaknesses. This and his inability to break the standard frontrunner's 30%, show that there is a growing national consensus: we don't have an inevitable nominee.

We, the People

After three years of European-style, social democratic, big government efforts here at home, the solutions that our nation requires are conservative in nature. Accordingly, our nominee must also be a committed fiscal conservative – that we can trust.

Say what you will about Mitt Romney, but he is not a consistent conservative.

As RedState’s Erick Erickson has pointed out, it’s “not that conservatives do not like Mitt Romney. It’s that they do not trust him.” And this is for good reason.


• Mitt Romney pledged in 1994 to be stronger on gay rights than his opponent for U.S. Senate, Ted Kennedy. He now supports a Constitutional amendment protecting marriage as between one man and one woman.

• Mitt Romney was pro-abortion from 1957-2003. Running statewide twice in Massachusetts, opposing the pro life position had significant political benefits.

• Mitt Romney supported both the Assault Weapons Ban and the Brady Bill in 1994. In 2007, after claiming he enjoyed hunting and joining the National Rifle Association, he claimed he owned a gun, but did not. He is now a strong supporter of 2nd Amendment Rights.

• Mitt Romney in 2006 said illegal immigrants should have a path to citizenship, supported the McCain-Kennedy plan, which he denied was amnesty, and now attacks other candidates for their records on immigration.

• Mitt Romney refused to support the 2004 Bush tax cuts, but it 2007 he claimed that he had always supported them.

• Mitt Romney said on NBC’s Meet the Press that his Massachusetts health care plan was a model for the nation, but now says it is not right for the other states.

• Mitt Romney says he will issue an executive order on his first day issuing a waiver to all 50 states of ObamaCare. If he believes Obamacare must be repealed, why does he not believe Romneycare should?

• Mitt Romney resisted every attempt by opponent Sen. Ted Kennedy connecting him to Ronald Reagan in the 1994 campaign for U.S. Senate and has insisted that he was an independent during the Reagan years. In 2005, Romney said that Reagan was his political hero.

The presidential debates have made for excellent television, attracted record audiences and impacted the race in several dramatic ways. But the most interesting potential debate would be between the Mitt Romney of 1957-2006, including his time as governor of Massachusetts, and the Mitt Romney of today.

The American people are tired of politicians who will say what they must to win an election. It will be incredibly easy for Mitt Romney to be portrayed as someone who will say anything because his sole mission in life is to become president. Is phoniness and opportunism acceptable to the conservative movement?

Think about this: what kind of person would spend five years of their life spending 18 hours a day running for president? President Obama's senior advisor, David Plouffe, was right to question Mitt's core on October 30 on "Meet the Press."

The Obama White House and their re-election campaign would be thrilled to run against Mitt Romney. Romney would lose the votes of a significant proportion of the conservative base, to say nothing of the lost enthusiasm of the critically important army of volunteers and small donors.

President Obama’s strategists are already planning to attack Romney for being worth hundreds of millions of dollars, for being a hedge fund, chop shop, job killing machine who got wealthy whether the companies that his firm invested in made money or not. And as the Bush-Cheney campaign did so effectively in 2004, they intend to destroy Romney as a flip-flopper. This will not be a difficult task; George F. Will detailed Romney’s flip flops in his recent column, titled, “The Pretzel Candidate.”

The time has come, with now less than two months before Iowans caucus and the primaries begin for able bodied, courageous, principled, resolute conservatives to rise up and publicly state what they know to be true.

We can do better than Mitt Romney. But we must demand it; we must work for it.

In a phrase, "Yes, We Can." And we must. #NotMitt, chant with us now.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2011/11/08/not-mitt-romney-for-republican-nominee/?intcmp=obnetwork#ixzz1dDeRax00
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam - I will either find a way or make one.  "Can't lives on Won't street."

Let us be reminded of what Captain John Parker told his army at Lexington Green, the place where the War for Independence began in 1775. He said, “Stand your ground. Don’t fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here.

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Re: Republicans Ignore Cain Allegations at Their Peril
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2011, 09:40:34 AM »
The problem with any candidate, as I see it, is just what the h e l l can you believe about any of them? It's really like buying a horse in today's market. Unless you have the ability to research past records, go try them out in person (and even this isn't always an accurate indicator) and get a vet check which might or might not tell you what you need to know...you just pay your nickle and take your chances.

Offline kcameron

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Re: Republicans Ignore Cain Allegations at Their Peril
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2011, 11:33:43 AM »
The problem with any candidate, as I see it, is just what the h e l l can you believe about any of them? It's really like buying a horse in today's market. Unless you have the ability to research past records, go try them out in person (and even this isn't always an accurate indicator) and get a vet check which might or might not tell you what you need to know...you just pay your nickle and take your chances.
You are so right on with this.I was liking Herman Cain till all this crap started to come up.Then you have to wonder if it is true or simply just this political mud slinging crap? ARG...Im with you all.Im sick of this political nonsense ! I have no idea who we should all be pulling for

Offline Tamet Gould

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Re: Republicans Ignore Cain Allegations at Their Peril
« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2011, 01:09:00 PM »
I have a couple that I'm leaning toward but I'm still researching too.   >:(
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam - I will either find a way or make one.  "Can't lives on Won't street."

Let us be reminded of what Captain John Parker told his army at Lexington Green, the place where the War for Independence began in 1775. He said, “Stand your ground. Don’t fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here.