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Author Topic: Shania Tidwell killed in riding accident - keep the Tidwells in your Prayers  (Read 51580 times)

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Offline tabtidwell

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Its been 5 months and 7 days. and i miss my baby soo d@#% much you dont believe me when i say it. i can remember the fun times shania and i had together when her and i would go hunting together. she loved to go to the mountains with me. and i miss her dearly. shania if you can see this, BABY, I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART. love daddy.

Offline SparkplugsMama

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Many prayers for you and your family. I'm sure she already made plenty of angel friends but I know she's got a fun buddy to giggle with now.  I bet that she welcomed Riley to Heaven with a big hug and they're just waiting on all of us to get there.    (((((((HUGS)))))))) from my heart to yours.
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Offline tabtidwell

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Re: Shania Tidwell killed in riding accident - keep the Tidwells in your Prayers
« Reply #32 on: September 13, 2006, 10:30:27 PM »
Well its been 8 long months and every day does not get any better. i miss my daughter so much and there is nothing i can do or any one can do to bring her back. one day at a time is the only thing that gets me by.

Offline Tysh

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Re: Shania Tidwell killed in riding accident - keep the Tidwells in your Prayers
« Reply #33 on: September 14, 2006, 08:30:03 AM »
we continue to lift you all up in prayer.   I hope you can find some kind of peace knowing that Shania is right there in the presence of the Lord..   How amazing it must be.   it's only a short time before you will see her again, as life is only a blink of an eye.   Cherish each day..  I can't imagine how hard it is.   But always remember that there are so many of us that pray for you.  We ask God to help you through each day.   


Offline Tamet Gould

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Re: Shania Tidwell killed in riding accident - keep the Tidwells in your Prayers
« Reply #34 on: September 14, 2006, 06:06:36 PM »
May the Lord Bless you and keep you, may HE shine his face on you, and may He bring you peace.
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam - I will either find a way or make one.  "Can't lives on Won't street."

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Re: Shania Tidwell killed in riding accident - keep the Tidwells in your Prayers
« Reply #35 on: September 15, 2006, 09:52:01 PM »
Many Many prayers for you and your family I can only imagine how hard this is I am in tears just reading this ......you are in my prayers  she is riding with the best of them now <:) ......May the Lord Bless you and comfort you ....... <(' ')> Julie
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Offline tabtidwell

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Hello, its been 10 long months now and i cannot believe that my baby is gone. I visit her every day and never want to leave. I have another daughter Hadley, her and i were talking the other day and she told me that she misses her shania. That was the heart yanker right there. we both know she is in a far better place than we are. It is hard to accept that my baby is gone, and there is not a person in this world who can tell me why this had to happen to shannon and myself ? Shannon if you ever read this i know Shania is looking down on all three of us. Shania baby, i know you can see this, and I LOVE YOU so much and miss you something fierce. love Daddy.

Offline toooldtocare

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For some reason each time you post on this website I read what you have written! The Lord has a purpose for this! I hope you have gotten my previous two emails. I'm not sure if you have or not.

I would encourage you to continue praying for strength. When you rise for the day ask God to help you thru just today, to set your mind on a straight thought pattern. To allow you to understand your circumstances. God will carry you thru. The Lord is always there, no matter what day or what time, God hears your prayers! Have you ever read the book- A PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE? This is a great book, it helps you understand lots of things that life sets before us.

I see Donna and Shannon very often, I say alittle prayer for them each time.

God bless you as the days go by!

« Last Edit: November 13, 2006, 11:46:37 AM by toooldtocare »

Offline tabtidwell

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Yes i did recieve your two e-mails. And yes i do pray everyday every second of every minute and nothing seems to help. The only thing that keeps me going is my youngest daughter Hadley. She is my main purpose in life. Thank you for caring and God Bless.

Offline tabtidwell

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Well its been 11 long painful months. and it does not seem to get any better, the more i pray the more i cry nothing helps. The only thing i do know is that my Shania is in a far better place than all of us. And one day i will be with my Shania again, Baby i love you. Daddy

Offline Bob Gould

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I wish there was some way I could help but it is going to take time and from the people I have talked to that have lost a child the pain never goes completely away. They have just learned to live with it. My daughter lost a child a few years back a. She had one before and two after. For her having the 2 others later easied the pain some what. On the day of the funeral my uncle the pastor said "Just think about how Joseph felt as he looked up from the hole his brothers had thrown him in then they sold him". God can make good out of the most horrible things. We just can't even imagine what it is and why when it happens. To me it help me through the times when the Doctors where saying the is no hope for Benjamin. May God shine his face upon you and give you peace.
This came to me while chopping wood the other day. You've heard don't sweat the small stuff. I say save it for later and use it for kindling

Offline Katy Holloway

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My prayer for you is that the Lord can give you peace and comfort  to help ease your pain. 
I lost a daughter in 1984.  She was only 8 days old.  I know that some will say that how could I have loved her so very much when she was so young, but you do, oh, how you do.  I would see a little girl at the age she would be for years and it would bring me such sadness.  Finally, yes, finally the Lord helped me to see how happy that little girl was and that my Kelly IS far happier becasue she is with Him.  The pain and tears will ease after a awhile, but never the love you feel for your daughter.  Embrace the love, and allow God is heal over the pain.  Don't try to set a schedule on when this will all happen, it will happen when you and God are ready.  May the Lord bless you and keep you in the palm of His hand.  (((((((HUGS))))))))
« Last Edit: January 12, 2007, 02:16:05 PM by Katy Holloway »
Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea!

Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let Your glory be above all the earth!!
Psalm 57:5

Offline tabtidwell

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Today was one year ago my baby went to see the lord.  and what a long painful year it was. Shannon, myself, her mom and brother and various family and friends were all at the grave site this afternoon to release a lot of beautiful balloons in memory of my baby Shania. i would like to think everyone who supported us thru this deal. thank you from  the bottom of my heart. Shania baby i love  you baby forever. Love Daddy

Offline tabtidwell

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Shania, baby its been 13 long hard months and everyone misses you very very much. and i know you can read this and i know that you know everyone misses you. especially myself. i love you baby, daddy.

Offline Danley-Burks

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Dear Tab, It has been a very long year plus...... Skyler & I pray everyday that things will get easier! and As faith will have it Sky says Shania has let her know shes ok and hears us. Its hard to understand the faith we can be blessed with so please keep your chin up and keep praying.  My thoughts and prayers are with you everyday stay strong thats what she  would hope for !!!!!!
Hadley loves you with all her heart and shes going to want to go hunting and camo out to!!!!
We miss hearing from you. Take care   <:) <:)