Category: Vitamins and Minerals

Phosphorus in My Horse’s Diet: What is it Good For?

Dietary P comes from many common feed ingredients, including forages, oats, corn, and soybean meal. The P found naturally in grains and forages is considered organic; feed manufacturers might also add inorganic P to commercial horse feeds.

Choosing Grains for Your Horse’s Diet

Of all the grains commonly fed to horses, oats are generally considered the closest to the “perfect” feed, but even oats fail to supply sufficient quantities of some vitamins and minerals, and their relative energy density is low

Young Horse Digestive Health

Owners and managers of young horses must ensure adequate colostrum intake and passive transfer of immunity at birth….

Understanding Senior Horse Feeds

Dental problems are a common problem among aging horses. Poor dentition creates a snowball effect of health issues that leads to malnutrition, which inevitably leads to weight loss. Thus, having your older horse on an appropriate proper diet is essential in prolonging their health.