First Case of Animal Anthrax in 2003

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Texas Animal Health Commission
Box l2966 Austin, Texas 78711 *(800) 550-8242 FAX (512) 719-0719
Bob Hillman, DVM * Executive Director
For info, contact Carla Everett, information officer, at 1-800-550-8242, ext. 710,
or [email protected]

For Immediate Release—August 8, 2003

First Case of Animal Anthrax in 2003
Confirmed near Del Rio;
Producers in Area Urged to Vaccinate Livestock

Laboratory tests completed in early August have confirmed that a white-tailed deer near Del Rio died from anthrax.. This is the first confirmed case of the disease in Texas in 2003. “It’s not unusual to have a few cases of anthrax in livestock or deer each year in Texas, and usually, they occur in a triangle bounded by Uvalde, Ozona and Eagle Pass, which takes in portions of Crockett, Val Verde, Sutton, Edwards, Kinney, Uvalde and Maverick counties,” said Dr. Bob Hillman, state veterinarian and executive director for the Texas Animal Health Commission (TAHC), the state’s livestock health regulatory agency.

“In early July, counties around Del Rio received rains spawned by Hurricane Claudette as the storm moved westward over land. The welcome moisture was followed by a normal hot, dry spell. This weather pattern can trigger the germination of dormant anthrax spores in the ground, causing them to migrate to the surface and contaminate soil and grass, where the bacteria is ingested by grazing animals,” said Dr. Hillman. “If the animals haven’t been vaccinated against the disease, the anthrax bacteria can cause severe illness within hours and death within a couple of days. Carcasses of infected animals may bloat quickly and blood may ooze from body openings.”

While laboratory tests, run by the Texas Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory in College Station, are needed to confirm infection, all anthrax cases—suspected or laboratory confirmed—must be reported to the TAHC. The regulatory agency operates a 24-hour hotline at 1-800-550-8242, with state or federal regulatory veterinarians available at all times to take calls and work with private veterinary practitioners and producers.

Dr. Hillman explained that the TAHC has two main concerns about anthrax cases. The first is to ensure that potentially exposed or incubating animals are not moved from the premise. “We don’t want animals to die in transit or on a new premise and then be mishandled,” said Dr. Hillman. “Therefore, our regulations require that animals on an infected premises be quarantined for at least 10 days after all the livestock have been vaccinated against the disease. This period of time allows for any perviously exposed animals to die from the disease, while healthy animals will develop immunity, thanks to the vaccine.”

“Ranchers with livestock in areas where anthrax cases usually occur either vaccinate routinely each spring, or begin vaccinating their cattle, sheep, goats, horses or other grazing animals as soon as a season’s first case is reported,” he said. “Although the injected vaccine is very effective, unfortunately, there is no approved method for administering vaccine to free-ranging deer, which can’t be rounded up and restrained in a chute for vaccination.”

“Our second concern about anthrax is the proper disposal of infected carcasses,” Dr. Hillman noted. He pointed out that, prior to release of a TAHC quarantine, carcasses of infected animals must be burned thoroughly, to prevent anthrax bacteria from leaching into the soil, where it can remain dormant for decades as spores.

“Carcasses of animals that have died of anthrax should not be opened, and to avoid bacterial contamination of the soil, carcasses, animal bedding, and nearby manure must be burned, and the surrounding soil must be scorched to kill the bacteria, using gasoline or wood as fuel,” he said. He advised producers not to burn oils, diesel or tires, as these products create air pollution. Dr. Hillman said proper carcass disposal also prevents wild pigs, coyotes, dogs or other predators from dragging carcasses (and the anthrax bacteria) from one pasture to another.

“When burning potentially infected carcasses, or vaccinating livestock against anthrax, ranchers should wear shirts with long sleeves and put on gloves to avoid contaminating sores or scratches on their arms or hands,” cautioned Dr. Hillman. “Skin anthrax can cause a nasty sore that requires appropriate antibiotic treatment from a physician, so practice good general sanitiation practices. Wash your hands and clothes. Consider disinfecting equipment used to move bedding, potentially infected manure or fuel. Keep pets away from carcasses, and avoid picking up bones, horns or antlers from dead animals. Healthy animals should be moved from anthrax-contaminated areas during an outbreak.”

“Hunters often ask us about anthrax and risks associated with harvesting animals,” commented Dr. Hillman. “Fortunately, by the time hunting season starts, cool weather usually puts an end to a season’s outbreak. Always shoot only healthy-looking animals. If a deer has ingested anthrax bacteria, within hours, it will stagger, tremble or exhibit convulsions, and death is inevitable.”

“Anthrax is not a danger to travelers or vacationers in an area where cases have occurred,” stressed Dr. Hillman. “We advise tourists to avoid touching carcasses, and they won’t have to worry about the bacteria or contracting the disease. Anthrax has been with us for hundreds of years, and while cases are noteworthy, they are not alarming.”

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