‘Botmaster’ pleads guilty to computer crimes – CNET News.com

‘Botmaster’ pleads guilty to computer crimes | CNET News.com
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A 20-year-old accused of using hundreds of thousands of hijacked computers, or “bot nets,” to damage systems and send massive waves of spam across the Internet, pleaded guilty to federal charges on Monday.

Jeanson James Ancheta, who prosecutors said was a well-known member of the “Botmaster Underground”—a secret network of hackers skilled in “bot” attacks—was arrested in November in what prosecutors said was the first such case of its kind.

The Los Angeles-area man pleaded guilty to charges of conspiracy, damaging computers used by the U.S. government and fraud. He had been scheduled to stand trial later this year on a 17-count indictment.

Ancheta faces a maximum sentence of 25 years in prison, although prosecutors say federal guidelines recommend between five and seven years.

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