AVMA and WebMD join forces to offer online pet information

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Schaumburg, ILThe American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) and WebMD have teamed up to launch a pet health community called the Pet Health Exchange. Visitors to the new site can discuss pet health issues with AVMA member veterinarians.
“The AVMA is concerned about the vast amount of misinformation about pet health that can be found on the Internet,” explains Dr. Larry R. Corry, president of the AVMA. “Through this collaboration with an established and respected resource, we hope to give pet owners an opportunity to get accurate, sound advice about animals in general and, more specifically, about their pets.”

More than 20 veterinary Guest Experts are involved in the Healthy Pets Exchange to date. The Guest Experts encourage discussion and help owners ask the right questions of their pet’s veterinarian to open a dialogue that can lead to the most appropriate diagnosis and treatments for their pets.

“The Pet Health Exchange will help pet owners keep up to date on pet information about their pet’s health, so they can provide the very best care for their animals,” says Dr. Corry. “But no online community, no matter how well it is done, can ever be a substitute for the relationship between veterinarians and their clients.”

The link to the new Pet Health Exchange is on the upper right on the www.webmd.com, and you can also visit the new WebMD Health Pet Exchange directly at http://exchanges.webmd.com/pet-health-exchange. For any other information about veterinary medicine, please visit www.avma.org.


The AVMA, founded in 1863, is one of the oldest and largest veterinary medical organizations in the world. More than 80,000 member veterinarians are engaged in a wide variety of professional activities. AVMA members are dedicated to advancing the science and art of veterinary medicine including its relationship to public health and agriculture. Visit the AVMA Web site at www.avma.org to learn more about veterinary medicine and animal care and to access up-to-date information on the association’s issues, policies and activities.