New Trojans plunder bank accounts – CNET

New Trojans plunder bank accounts | CNET
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SAN JOSE, Calif.—Cybercriminals are surfing into online banks with you to steal your money.

Password-stealing Trojan horses used to be all the rage. The software would nestle itself on a PC after opening a bad e-mail attachment or visiting a malicious Web site. But in response to the increased adoption of stronger authentication, cybercriminals are changing their tactics, according to Alex Shipp, a senior antivirus technologist at MessageLabs.

“We have recently seen a move away from stealing user name and passwords,” Shipp said during a panel discussion at the RSA Conference 2006 here on Thursday. The new “bank-stealing Trojans” wait until the victim has actually logged in to their bank. “It then just transfers the money out.”

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