Horses and the National Animal Identification System

The national Equine Working Group has a new information booklet available on the American Horse Council web site. The booklet provides valuable information from the working group and may aid in answering questions about equine animals and National Animal Identification System (NAIS).

Voluntary premises registration continues in Texas, and as of May 3, 12,320 premises have been registered.  As of April 27, the USDA reports more than 252,000 premises nationally have been registered. To learn more about premises registration, you can go to the National Animal Identification System web site or the Texas Animal Health Commission web site, or call the TAHC at 1-800-550-8242.

If you cannot download the Equine Working Group booklet, please let me know, and I’ll mail you a paper copy. Please provide your name and mailing address. Carla Everett, TAHC

NAIS and Horses: The Facts

If you can’t go to the booklet directly from the link above, you can go to the American Horse Council web site, where the booklet is posted.  The link will be on the upper right side:

Texas Animal Health Commission:

National Animal Identification System:

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