Hyperlink insecurity – CNET News.com

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Hyperlink insecurity | Perspectives | CNET News.com
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Imagine a world where no Web site or hyperlink can be trusted, and a simple click on a hyperlink could slam your computer with a malicious driveby download. Sound far-fetched? It’s not.

Today, trusted Web sites can no longer be trusted. Those of us who collectively click on the billions of hyperlinks generated each day by search engines, blogs and e-mail are playing Russian roulette with our computers.

Can the search results of Google, Yahoo, MSN and Technorati really be so hazardous to our computers’ health? Sadly, the answer is yes.

So why do we click on hyperlinks with such wild abandon? The answer is that most of us have been taught that as long as we’re not accessing pornography or illegal file-sharing sites, and as long as we keep our antivirus and anti-spyware updated, we’re safe.

It’s time for a reality check.