FTC wants beefed-up powers against Net scammers – CNET News.com

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FTC wants beefed-up powers against Net scammers | CNET News.com
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WASHINGTON—Past and present Federal Trade Commission officials on Monday renewed their call for Congress to expand the agency’s international Internet policing powers and its ability to slap fines on wrongdoers.

The suggestions came at a conference here organized by the Center for American Progress, which bills itself as a nonpartisan research institute that “challenges conservative thinking.” The organization set up the event to outline issues expected to emerge at a four-day, FTC-sponsored series of hearings about the Internet and consumer protection this fall.

Those mostly public hearings, planned for Nov. 6 to 9, have been described as the first major endeavor of the sort by the FTC since 1996. However, the agency has held about 40 workshops and conferences on consumer protection issues since that date.