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I have a 15 year old mare that I race on that has joint problems. The vet has injected her hocks and has recommended trying a joint supplement. He sold some products but I was wondering if you have used anything that seems to work.

When I started looking at all of the supplements that are sold and there are so many of them I really don’t know what would be best to try.

Please let me know if you have any suggestions.


I use an injectable glucosamine and get good results with it. Your vet may sell it – if not, then give us a call and I can get you the number where I purchase mine. Our phone number is .

There are also some very good products on the market that allow you to feed the supplement. I use a product called Performance One but there are lots of them out there and you just have to figure out which one will benefit your horse and whether or not he will consume it.
Martha Wright