Online Registration option an easy way to “Make it Official” when your Paint foal arrives

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Amy Stapleton
APHA Director of Marketing & Promotional Content
p. 817-222-6447
[email protected]

FORT WORTH—When your long-awaited Paint foal arrives this spring you’ll no doubt be taking lots of pictures. And it’s likely that you’ll be sharing them online with your friends and family. While you’re beaming with Paint pride, jump over to to “Make it Official” by registering your foal with the American Paint Horse Association.

Our user-friendly system has been used by thousands of Paint Horse owners just like you. APHA’s online registration process is simple. Easy step-by-step screens help guide you from start to finish. It can even help you locate your Breeder’s Certificate Control Number.

Online registration saves you money. Completing your horse’s registration through provides a $15 discount. If you’ve got multiple foals, that savings adds up quickly.

Online registration also ensures the fastest completion of your horse’s Official APHA Registration Certificate. Turnaround times vary, but the average processing time for a registration submitted online is three days.

Pride. Simplicity. Savings. Speed. Strong reasons you should consider using APHA’s online registration for your foals this spring to “Make it Official.”

Visit, select “Bronze” on the right, and then choose “Foal Registration” to get started today. Bronze level access is included at no additional charge with your APHA membership.

Our friendly MemberCare team is ready to help, should you have questions or need assistance with the process, by calling 817-222-6423 Monday through Friday, 8 am through 4:30 pm.