I was wondering what you feed -grain and hay wise

Do you use any supplements? And how is Fame Fox Kirk doing? Thanks for your support of this segment.


Hi Kim,

We feed a mixed feed that the local feed mill mixes for us. It is approx. 12% protein, 7% fat and most of the grains in it are roasted. We feed coastal hay. The horses that I haul are fed Purina Ultium or we top dress their feed with the Ultium depending on the needs of each horse. Amos eats only Ultium. It easily addresses his diet needs since he has a condition called Equine Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy (EPSM or PSSM). This condition is aggravated by high carbohydrate intake so the high fat/low carb makeup of the Ultium really works. He is now retired (at the “old” age of due degenerative joint disease in his left front ankle. Injections were not helping us any more and surgery was not an option. We decided to turn him out for a year and re-evaluate him next fall. In the meantime, we are trying some different feed additives that are supposed to help the DJD. His suspensory injury of last year healed great.

Hope we get to visit with you when we come to Tulsa in March.

Martha Wright