Hitting barrel 75% of the time

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I am trying out a 17 year old seasoned barrel horse. She is really teaching me to go the next level from the younger class. I am 13 and competing with more experienced riders and horses. Trouble is she shoulders the 2nd barrel coming out of it. We hit it 75% of the time. I think it is probably me being inexperienced and not her. I have been to training and know I how to keep her off with my leg and rein. I’m can’t say for sure that I do it when I am going at a fast rate. I can do it when I’m holding her back at a lope. Is she too old and seasoned to bring back to the slow work? Is it all me and I have to just learn to pull her away?

Please advise.

Skylar in Texas

Your horse is not ever too old to be able to work slow. In fact, all horses should have some slow work done on them to keep them relaxed and cool headed in the barrel pattern. It’s possible that you are trying to do too much for your level of experience, so just slow things down a little and pick one thing to concentrate on each time you make a run. For instance, concentrate on looking at the ground where you want your horses feet to go instead of looking directly at the barrel. If you look directly at the barrel, most of the time you will ride your horse right on top of it. Once you have that down, then you can begin to concentrate on using your inside leg as you turn a barrel, etc.
Martha Wright