Riding a Mare With a Colt on Her Side

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Hi, I am wondering if you have any ideas about riding a barrel mare with a colt on her side?

She is off the track and I rode her alot but could not get her solid in the turns. After attending 2 of Mr Ed’s clinics I am very excited to try her again. She is due around May 14th and I would like to get her in shape and wean the colt before the Pendelton clinic this fall.

I have never rode a mare with a colt before and am not sure where to begin. I live in the country and have miles and miles of open country to ride in. I cannot tell you both enough how much I have learned attending your clinic’s so the old saying you can’t teach an old dog new tricks does not apply.

haha Thanks
Sharon Daling Circle Dot Quarter Horses

I’m not educated enough on this subject to give you any good advice but I certainly wouldn’t try riding your mare until the baby is at least 6 wks old and maybe a little older especially if you plan on letting the colt follow along as you exercise the mare. I do know that too much strenuous exercise can cause physical problems for the baby if it is too young. You might consider trying to leave the baby shut up in a safe place with some kind of companion while you ride your mare but not knowing your mare or how she would react to this makes it hard for me to offer suggestions. I would contact your vet if I were you and ask advice on exercising a mare with a colt.
Martha Wright