What is a Podcast?

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A Podcast is the combining of Apple’s “iPod” and “broadcasting”, a way of putting files onto the Internet, allowing users to subscribe to a feed (like a magazine) and receive new files automatically by subscription. Back in 2004, it was mainly used for audio files but it now includes video. Podcasts are downloaded onto your computer then copied to the Ipod using Itunes.

Podcasting is quickly becoming the TV of the internet. You can watch things that interest you any time you want. Your not tied down to a network TV schedule and can carry them with you in your pocket or purse because it is about the size of a mobile phone. Ipods can be made to plug into your TV so you can watch the movies on them, just like a DVD player.

Many new HD TVs now come with an input for pluging in your computer, in a way, making it a huge computer monitor. Some new computers come with a HDMI (High Definition Media Interface) output on them. The new Mac Mini (which is just a little bigger than a video tape) is one of them. I own one and I don’t know what I would do without it. I can check email and surf the web all from the couch. Later, I can listen to music (it has a optical audio output) or watch movies in surround sound. I quit using my DVD player because the picture quaility and sound are so much better.

Now, computer companies are coming out with “iPod” like devices for your TV. Apple has introduced Apple TV , allowing you to down load HD movies without leaving your home. You can see a review of the new Apple TV here .  

Netgear , has introduce a product called the DIGITAL ENTERTAINER HD ,allowing you to do the same thing for a little more. Although, it has a smaller hard drive which means less room for movies, TV Shows or video podcasts.

In order to be part of this revolution you will have to have Windows 2000 or higher and at least Itunes 7.0 installed or a Mac running OS 10.3.9 or higher and Itunes 7.0 installed. You don’t have to have DSL but it will be a lot better if you do because the files can be from 10MB to 2GB.