How to submit samples, report cases related to adulterated pet food

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One of the most common questions being directed to the Food and Drug Administration during the pet food recall has been about data on the number of cats and dogs that have died after ingesting products formulated with adulterated wheat gluten.

But as Dr. Stephen F. Sundlof, director of the FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine, explained at an April 5 press conference, a prerequisite for estimating the deaths is defining what constitutes a confirmed case—referred to as a case definition.

The criteria for defining a case did not yet exist at press time, but the American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians, in consultation with the Food and Drug Administration, was refining a working definition.*

As a starting point, the AAVLD Veterinary Analytical Toxicology Committee is seeking data on cases that meet certain criteria for a Web-based survey that was launched April 6. Through the survey, the AAVLD will gather scientific data from diagnostic laboratories and—directly and indirectly— from veterinarians on cases of possible pet food-induced nephrotoxicosis.

The organization is asking AAVLD laboratories, along with other laboratories and private practitioners who wish to participate, to report incidents in the United States and Canada, using this survey tool.

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