Researchers Develop Saliva-Based Equine Tapeworm Test

The level of resistance in tapeworms to current anthelmintics is unknown. “Although resistance has yet to be documented for tapeworms, the risk is significantly increased with continued ‘blanket’ use of anti-tapeworm anthelmintics,” said Austin.

USDA confirms presence of New World screwworm in Florida

The Texas Animal Health Commission(TAHC) was notified by The United States Department of Agriculture(USDA) of the confirmed presence of New World screwworm in a stray dog that was found in… Read more »

Soft Tissue Injuries of the Western Performance Horse’s Foot

Vern Dryden, DVM, CJF, of Bur Oak Veterinary and Podiatry Services, in Lexington, Kentucky, and Brian Beasley, DVM, CJF, from the University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine, in Athens, led the conversation.

Can Subchondral Bone Thickness Predict Catastrophic Injury?

British researchers have determined that MRI images of bone thickness could provide critical information about fracture risk in the lateral condyle of the third metacarpal bone …

2016 APHA Open/Amateur World Show successfully concludes with increases in key areas

FORT WORTH—The American Paint Horse Association is celebrating the successful conclusion of its 2016 World Championship Show, which was held November 2-13 at Will Rogers Memorial Center in Fort Worth,... Read more »

Getting to the Bottom of Equine Lyme Neuroborreliosis

In an attempt to better understand how to diagnose the condition, Laura Johnstone, BVSc, MVSc, of the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Veterinary Medicine at New Bolton Center, lead a team of researchers to review the clinical signs and pathologic findings from horses diagnosed at necropsy with NB.

What We’re Learning About Senior Horses

You’re likely eager for fresh information on how to care for your equids over 20, hoping they will live as long as possible but with a good quality of life.

Tree bark derivative tested for equine melanoma treatment

Betulinic acid, already used for treating human melanomas, could become an effective and safer alternative for treating equine melanoma compared to traditional chemotherapies, said Reinhard Paschke, PhD, Prof. Dr. habil., of Martin Luther University, in Halle, Germany.