Tag: feeding

Phosphorus in My Horse’s Diet: What is it Good For?

Dietary P comes from many common feed ingredients, including forages, oats, corn, and soybean meal. The P found naturally in grains and forages is considered organic; feed manufacturers might also add inorganic P to commercial horse feeds.

5 Tips for Feeding Frequent Travelers

Keep ’em Hydrated A stalled horse with free-choice access to water will drink, on average, 18 to 40 times daily for 13 to 26 seconds each time. So, when hauling long distances, you should offer water at least every four to eight hours and more frequently in hot and humid weather.

How to Feed Fat to Horses

The only source to avoid is the rumen-protectant variety of fat designed for cattle, which horses will find at best indigestible and at worst, toxic. (You won’t run into this one unless you ask for it specifically at the feed store.)