High Stakes Productions January 8-9, 2022 Results
01/08/2022 Open 1D winner Jana Bean on Famous George Speed with a time of 14.632
01/09/2022 Open 1D winner Wenda Johnson on Steal Money with a time of 14.547
Total Payout $51,163.00
01/08/2022 Open 1D winner Jana Bean on Famous George Speed with a time of 14.632
01/09/2022 Open 1D winner Wenda Johnson on Steal Money with a time of 14.547
Total Payout $51,163.00
10/02/21 Open 1D winner Kelly Sparks on One Dashing Episode with a time of 16.08
10/03/21 Open 1D winner Kelly Sparks on One Dashing Episode with a time of 16.174
Total Payout $48,140.00
07/05/2019 Open 1D winner Fallon Jordan on Countache with a time of 15.78
07/07/2019 Open 1D winner Margo Smith on Hope with a time of 15.543
09/22/2017 1D winner Jaycie Cundall Primos on Jaycie Acre with a time of 15.160
09/23/2017 1D winner Alyssa Glass on Take A Ride Guys with a time of 15.319
09/24/2017 1D winner Jaycee Cundall on Primos Jaycee Acre with a time of 15.406
Total Payout $60,507
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August 22 Open 1D winner Mecca Hickox on Sunday Special with a time of 15.925
August 23 Open 1D winner Mecca Hickox on Sunday with a time of 15.839
Total Payout $5,844
Open 1D Average winner Cassidy Carpenter on Chasing Dory with a time of 31.532
Total Payout $18,502.06
Open Average 1D winner Kenna Squires on Flaming Pastem with a total time of 30.401
Total Show Payout $47,220.00
Somervell County Expo Center Glen Rose, Texas For photo Tour click here To view only the money earners type $ in the search. To view placings in one event type… Read more »
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