M7 Arena Open 5D/Yth 4D Oct 2 2024 Results
Open 1D Winner Ilyssa Riley on Six Moons Flaming with a time of 15.766
Total Payout $ 1,666
Open 1D Winner Ilyssa Riley on Six Moons Flaming with a time of 15.766
Total Payout $ 1,666
Open 1D winner Britta Thiel on Famous Pippa with a time of 15.632
Total Payout $ 4,607.95
Open 1D winner Josianne St-Cyr on Specials flashn cash with a time of 15.013
Total Payout $ 1,679
Open 1D winner Katie English with a time of 16.516
Total Payout $ 2,087.00
1D winner Casey Mathis on Fairleas Star Date with a time of 15.176
Total Payout $ 1,457
Open 1D winner Nikki Saggione on Streakin Seis with a time of 14.872
Total Payout $ 9,932
8/2/2024 Open 1D winner Schelli Creacy on Sea Ya In La Jolla Eddie with a time of 14.890
8/3/2024 Open 1D winner Sammie Willoughby on SW The Buyou Bug with a time of 14.706
8/4/2024 Open 1D winner Osianne St-Cyr on Specials flashn cash with a time of 14.944
Avg 1D winner Sammie Willoughby on SW The Buyou Bug with a time of 14.854
Open 1D winner Elia Gordillo on Pockets with a time of 15.141
Total Payout $ 1,288.00
7/27/2024 Open 1D winner Patty Clark on No Mas Oil with a time of 15.644
Total Payout $ 31,581.00
Open 1D winner Dale Long on JK Im Thinkin Famous with a time of 14.648
Total Payout $ 72,275.00
05/10/2024 Open 1D winner Kaylee Childress on Kikidoyouloveme withj a time of 16.212
05/11/2024 Open 1Dwinner Kaylee Childress on Kikidoyouloveme with a time of 15.322
05/12/2024 Open 1D winner Halie Warn with a time of 15.389
Total Payout $$ 26,260.00
05/02/2024 Open 1D winner Danyelle Campbell on Return of the Mac with a time of 15.366
Total Payout $154,037.00
Open 1D winner Jolene Montgomery on JW Mista Martha with a time of 15.677
Total Payout $ 5,850.00
Beauregard Arena 5515 Hwy 190 W Deridder, LA 70634
03/31/2023 Big Stakes 1D Winner Dakota Monk on TNR wannaseemycancan with a time of 14.593 $13348.00
04/01/2023 Open 1D Winner Dacota Monk on TNR Wnnaseemycancan with a time of 14.593 $1,108.00
04/02/2023 Open 1D winner Annika Ruth on Zero to Sixty with a time of 14.615 $788.00
Total Payout $144,945.00
Open 1D winner Kassie Mowry on Picassos Private Jet with a time of 15.744
Total Payout $14,735.97
03/10/2023 Open 1D winner ABBY PURSIFULL on REDS FLYINBYU with a time of 15.944
03/11/2023 Open 1D winner DUSTY PIKE on WOODB STREAKING LIL with a time of 14.978
03/12/2023 Open 1Dwinner CHRISTIE GILLKEY on FAMOUS THREE BUGS with a time of 15.105
Total Payout $ 37,511.00
Open 1D winner Brandon Cullins on MJ Segers Fast Lane with a time of 15.639
Total Payout $8,964.05
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