Glen Rose Summer Classic Pre Entry Draw
05/02/2024 Open 1D winner Danyelle Campbell on Return of the Mac with a time of 15.366
Total Payout $154,037.00
Futurity 1D winner Dale Long on Saaul Good with a time of 14.247 $7425.00
Derby 1D winner Kassie Mowry on Force the Goodbye with a time of 14.067 $7482.00
High Stakes 1 1D winner Kassie Mowry on Force the Goodbye with a time of 14.067 $10817.00
High Stakes 2 1D winner Kassie Mowry on Force the Goodbye with a time of 14.067 $14250.00
Open 1D winner Kassie Mowry on Force the Goodbye with a time of 14.067 $1277.00
Total Payout $ $ 359,688.00
Somervell County Expo 202 E Bo Gibbs Dr Glen Rose , TX 76043
Four States Fair Grounds To view the draw for a single event or incentive type one of the following under the word event below Fut Der HS Open TX Colt… Read more »
08/04/2023 Open 1D winner Wyatt Paul on OE Dirty Money with a time of 14.921
08/05/2023 Open 1D winner Dawn Link on Domintnator with a time of 14.953
08/06/2023 Open 1D winner Alishea Broussard on Bogies French Trick with a time of 14.939
Total Payout $48,065.02
08/26/2021 Open 1D winner Morgan Bagnell on RR TooSkick Eye Mist with a time of 15.152
08/27/2021 Open 1D winner JOLENE MONTGOMERY on Jet Fuel Only with a time of 14.863
08/28/2021 Open 1D winner Wyatt Paul on FC Strait Cajun with a time of 14.903
08/29/2021 Open 1D winner Shaylee Hindman on Fresnos Poco Charm with a time of 14.854
Total Payout $46,196.00
01/28/2021 Open 1D winner Keyla Polizello Costa on Zumanity Cristal CMV with a time of 14.787
01/29/2021 Futurity 1D winner Sierra Melby on Aflingwithfreckles with a time of 14.871
01/29/2021 Open 1D winner Kassie Mowry on Epic Guy with a time of 14.542
01/30/2021 Futurity 1D winner MOLLI MONTGOMERY on The Woman Loves Fame with a time of 14.758
01/30/2021 Open 1D winner Dustin Angelle on VF Born Famous with a time of 14.518
Total Payout $209,080.46
Open 1D winner Andrea Cline on Blurry Bug Leo with a time of 15.553
Total Payout $19240.64
07/04/20 Open 1D winner Kinsey Chandler on Judge Knott with a time of 15.816
07/05/20 Open 1D winner Payton Schoeppach on The Mafia Boss with a time of 15.750
Total Payout $27,040.82
Open 1D winner Cayla Small on Slick N Black with a time of 15.645
Total Payout $34,243.66
03/12/2020 HHA Futurity 1D winner JANNA BROWN on JETS TOP GUN with a time of 14.935
03/13/2020 HHA Futurity 1D winner MAGGIE CARTER on TRES LECHE with a time of 14.983
03/14/2020 HHA Futurity Short-Go Fast Time 1D winner DACOTA MONK on FAMOUS LEMON DROP with a time of 14.84
03/14/2020 Open 1D winner WENDA JOHNSON on DREAMS FIRST FLASH with a time of 14.778
03/15/2020 Open 1D winner KYSAN BUCKNER on HES FURIOUS with item of 14.66
Open Average Incentive 1D winner WENDA JOHNSON on DREAMS FIRST FLASH with a time of 29.528
Total Payout $238,843.66
Open 1D winner Nisa Berry on VF Look Im Back with a time of 15.525
Total Payout $17,672.00
Open 1D winner DeAnn Morgan on Colour Me Fast with a time of 15.686
Total Payout $15160.16
Open 1D winner Lisa Nicholas on Stoli My Guy with a time of 15.69
Total Payout $18,160.74
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