CTBRA Finals Nov 4-5 2017 Results Updated
Saturday Open 1D winner Sue Smith on Dashs Centerfold with a time of 15.108
Sunday Open 1D winner Becky Dillard on Wow She’s Hot with a time of 15.373
Total Payout $15,117
Saturday Open 1D winner Sue Smith on Dashs Centerfold with a time of 15.108
Sunday Open 1D winner Becky Dillard on Wow She’s Hot with a time of 15.373
Total Payout $15,117
Saturday Open 1D winner Ryley Flores on Guys Dashing Chica with a time of 15.668
Sunday Open 1D winner Kallyn Smedecar on Natty with a time of 15.774
Total Payout $6,333
09/09/17 Open 1Dwinner Jacque Woolmanon Famous Phoenix with a time of 15.67
09/10/2017 Open 1D winner Jacque Woodman on Panama Direct Perks with a time of 15.361
Total Payout $7,816.00
07/28/2017 Open 1D winner Patton Ann Lynch on Firin To Be A Hero with a time of 16.943
07/29/2017 Open 1D winner Lacy Schoenthal on Your Lion Bugs Me with a time of 16.626
07/30/2017 Open 1D winner Jane Fambrough on Spotted Diamond with a time of 16.597
Total Payout $38,884.50
Circle T Arena 4007 W. Hwy 36 Hamilton, TX 76531 To view draw for one day type one of the following in the day search… Fri Sat Sun
Saturday Open 1D winner Rhonda Skelton on Primo with a time of 15.638
Sunday Open 1D winner Jordy Wright on Frenchmans Signature with a time of 15.627
Total Payout $7,396
Saturday Open 1D winner Taci Bettis on Bogies French Bug with a time of 16.943
Sunday Open 1D winner Avery Foegelle on Cashen Your Dreams with a time of 16.921
Total Payout $10,054
Saturday Open 1D winner Jacque Woodman on Panama Direct Perks with a time of 15.359
Sunday Open 1D winner Jacque Woodman on Outta Clear Blue with a time of 15.600
Total Show Payout $6,945
Saturday Open 1D winner Tammy Fischer on Panama Direct Perks with a time of 15.369
Sunday Open 1D winner Tammy Fischer on Panama Direct Perkswith a time of 15.364
Total Show Payout $10,859.00
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