STBRA Snook February 16, 2020
Open 3D Poles 1D winner Hadley Herndon on Callie with a time of 20.852
Open 5D Barrels 1D winner Joy Camero on Moses with a time of 15.438
Total Payout $4,897.00
Open 3D Poles 1D winner Hadley Herndon on Callie with a time of 20.852
Open 5D Barrels 1D winner Joy Camero on Moses with a time of 15.438
Total Payout $4,897.00
Open Barrels 1D winner Mary Sorrels on Bubba Guy with a time of 15.617
Op Poles 1D winner Gabby Romano on Glory with a time of 21.078
Total Payout $6,469.00
11/23/2028 Open 1D winner Kasey Kretzshmar on Burn In Desire with a time of 15.282
11/24/2028 Open 1D winner Janet Staton on JS Milo and Stitch with a time of 14.664
11/25/2028 Open 1D winner Jackie Jatzlau on Good To Be The King with a time of 14.788
Total Payout $52,633.00
Saturday Open 1D winner Ryley Flores on Sams Guy To the Dash with a time of 14.963
Sunday Open 1D winner Jackie Jatzlau on Good To Be King with a time of 15.015
SHOOTOUT POLES AVG 1D winner Kathy Warren on WR Peponic Promise with a time of 20.007
SHOOTOUT BARRELS AVG 1D winner Shea-Lynn Leach on NMD Chesters Lil Bunny with a time of 17.018
Total Payout $ 82399.21
Saturday Open 1D winner Tammy Fischer on Panama Direct Perks with a time of 15.369
Sunday Open 1D winner Tammy Fischer on Panama Direct Perkswith a time of 15.364
Total Show Payout $10,859.00
Show Results for CTBRA on 01/16/16 CTYRA Arena- McGregor, Texas – for Photo Tour click here To view only the money earners type $ in the search To view the placings… Read more »
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