BRAT Jackpot Feb 12 Searchable Results
Open 1D winner Brandon Cullins on MJ Segers Fast Lane with a time of 15.639
Total Payout $8,964.05
Open 1D winner Brandon Cullins on MJ Segers Fast Lane with a time of 15.639
Total Payout $8,964.05
Open 1D winner Brade Rutledge on BLR Sorry Not Sorry with a time of 16.389
Total Payout $7,955.60
Open 1D winner Alyssa Urbanek on Fueled with Dinero with a time of 15.358
Total Payout $2, 111
Open 1D winner Chelsea Wells on French Beebe with a time of 15.876
Total Payout $2,254.00
05/20/2022 Open 1D winner Jana Riley on JLR Fire On Parade on 14.714
05/21/2022 Open 1D winner Sydney Frey on JDS Warrior with a time of 14.768
Total Payout $46,944.00
Open 1D winner Kristie Peterson on Look Judge with a time of 15.338
Total Payout $2,222.00
1D winner Jessica Morris on Vinny with a time of 15.339
Total Payout $1,053.00
1D winner Kari Brough on RB Dash Ta Bar with a time of 15.593
Total Payout $3194
Tie for winner of 1D
Wenda Johnson on Horse 1 with a time of 15.735
Lisa Lucia on Sticks Chic with a time of 15.735
Total Payout $1,288.00
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