Back to School Aug 10 2024 Results
Open 1D winner Nikki Saggione on Streakin Seis with a time of 14.872
Total Payout $ 9,932
Open 1D winner Nikki Saggione on Streakin Seis with a time of 14.872
Total Payout $ 9,932
Open 1D winner Cassy Gantt with a time of 16.320
Total Payout $ 2,155.00
Open 1D winner Sammie Willoughby on SW the Bayou Bug with a time of 14.409
Total Cash Payout $74,097.58
10/21/2022 Open 1D winner Lilly Lohmann on Km Famous Sniper with a time of 15.116
10/22/2022 Open 1D winner Courtney Durrum on Red Hot N Salty with a time 14.843
Total Payout $17,898.00
09/16/2022 Open 1D winner Wendy Cline-Lehman on Streakin and Shaken with a time of 15.022
09/17/2022 Open 1D winner Janna Brown on Frenchmans Perk with a time of 14.826
Total Payout $19,627.00
06/24/2022 Open 1D winner Courtney Boyd on Wildfire Fuel with a time of 15.134
06/25/2022 Open 1D winner Michelle Trahan on Red Shining Star with a time of 14.866
06/26/2022 Open 1D winner Samantha Ware on Twice The Bet with a time of 15.011
Total Payout $32,841.00
04/01/2022 Open 1D winner Angela Festervan on GQH The Big Lebowski with a time of 14.744
04/02/2022 Open 1D winner Angela Festervan on Wedding Crasher with a time of 14.762
04/03/2022 Open 1D winner James Barnes with a time of 14.823
Total Payout $46,697.00
10/22/2021 Open 1D winner Courtney Boyd on Wildifre Fuel with a time of 14.969
10/23/2021 Open 1D winner Kanely Cooper on Mae with a time of 15.056
Total Payout $16,267.00
06/25/2021 Open 1D winner Dustin Angelle on VF Born Famous with a time of 14.814
06/26/2021 Open 1D winner Dustin Angelle on VF Born Famous with a time of 14.57
06/27/2021 Open 1D winner Pete Oen on FC Strait Ruffian with a time of 14.444
Total Payout $37,718.00 without Futurity or average payout
04/01/21 Open 1D winner Cassy Gantt on Nacho with a time of 14.768
04/02/21 Open 1D winner Kyle LeLeux on Sr Endeavor with a time of 14.898
04/03/21 Open 1D winner Janna Brown on Jets Top Gun with a time of 14.61
Total Payout $46,882,00
10/23/2020 Open 1D winner Abby Phillips on Crown Ta Fame with a time of 14.954
10/24/2020 Open 1D winner Lindsey McLeod on In the Nic Of Time with a time of 14.834
Total Payout $25,270.00
07/24/2020 Open 1D winner Lauren Holt on A Streak of Jet with a time of 15.687
07/25/2020 Open 1D winner Kassie Mowry on CP He Will Be Epic with a time of 15.361
Total Payout $30,288.71
Friday Open 1D winner Randee Brindle on Red Man Jones with a time of 14.917
Saturday Open 1D winner Janna Brown on DH Jess Stellar with a time of 14.681
Sunday Open 1D winner Randee Brindle on Red Man Jones with a time of 14.806
Total Payout $29,275.00
Friday Open 1D winner Jbug Brazil with a time of 15.055
Saturday Open 1D winner James Commanderon VF Pico Stinson with a time of 15.097
Sunday Open 1D winner Barbara Burns on Smoken Flit with a time of 14.96
Total Payout $29,524.00
11/23/2018 Open 1D winner Grayson Tice on Kan Perk Three with a time of 14.875
11/24/2018 Open 1D winner Abby Phillips on Crown ta Fame with a time of 14.866
11/25/2018 Open 1D winner Abby Phillips on Crown ta Fame with a time of 14.787
Total Payout $61,499.00
10/26/2018 Open 1D winner Emily Thompson with a time of 15.082
10/27/2018 Open 1D winner Abby Phillips on Crown Ta Fame with a time of 14.812
10/28/2018 Open 1D winner Abby Phillips on Crown Ta Fame with a time of 14.769
Total Show Payout $25,752.00
06/29/18 Open 1D winner London Gotham on Hitman with a time of 14.658
06/30/18 Open 1D winner Joy Wargo on Smokin Koa Lena with a time of 14.797
07/01/18 Open 1D winner Quay Eaves on Heavens Special Go with a time of 14.851
Total Payout $38,551.00
11/24/2017 Open 1D winner Angela Festervan on Wedding Crasher with a time of 14.812
11/25/2017 Open 1D winner Patton Ann Lynch on Firin To Be A Hero with a time of 14.800
11/26/2017 Open 1D winner Alexis Raye Lynch on Tiny Bit French with a time of 14.833
Total Payout $46,586.00
Friday Open 1D winner James Commander on Promises to French with a time of 14.950
Saturday Open 1D winner Sophie Palmer on JL Jamician Me Rich with a time of 14.744
Total Payout $27,407
Friday Open 1D winner Kylan Shaw on Vellum Bye with a time of 15.161
Saturday Open 1D winner James Commander on Promise to French with a time of 14.871
Sunday Open 1D winner James Commander on Promise to French with a time of 14.787
Total Payout $ 35,806
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