Jackpot @ the EXPO Nov 29, 2023 Results
1D winner Sammie Willoughby on Osage treasure with a time of 15.105
Total Payout $
1D winner Sammie Willoughby on Osage treasure with a time of 15.105
Total Payout $
Open 1D winner Sammie Willoughby on SW the Bayou Bug with a time of 14.409
Total Cash Payout $74,097.58
09/30/2022 Warmup 1D winner Megan Swint on For Heaven Seis with a time of 15.007
10/01/2022 Open 1D winner Dusky Lynn Hall on Troublenvrlooksogood with a time of 14.752
10/02/2022 Open 1D winner Skyler Nicholas on Perrywater Dash with a time of 14.687
Total Payout $109,137.31
8&U Championship Average winner Dusky Lynn Hall 0n Add A Dash with an average time of 50.608
Total Payout $42,925.00
Open 1D winner Breckyn Tippen on GL Dashing To A Te with a time of 17.575
Total Payout $2,033.00
Open 1D winner Jana Riley on JLR Fire on Parade with a time of 14.588
Total Cash Payout $ 75,085.54
Open 1D winner Tristan Bowles on Short Okie Lena with a time of 17.367
Total Payout $2,568.00
1D winner Wenda Johnson on Steal Money with a time of 15.008
Total Payout $1,347.00
Open 1D winner Mindy Holloway on Cornbread with a time of 17.232
Total Payout $2,836.00
Open 1D winner Cassidy Champlin on Casadys Cash N Fame with a time of 13.658
Total Payout $19,764.00
1D winner Kelly Allen on Queenie with a time of 17.361
Total Payout $1,093.00
Open 1D winner Ivy Hurst on Top Of The Rock with a time of 17.467
Total Payout $5070
Open 1D winner Amberleigh Moore on Blue Duck Down with a time of 13.708
Total Payout $102,394.00
Open 1D winner Brian Ramirez on Holly with a time of 15.857
06/26/2020 Warmup 1D winner Mitzi Duke on Ima Bully Lioness with a time of 15.196
06/26/2020 Open 1D winner Mitzi Duke on Ima Bully Lioness with a time of 15.174
Total Payout $22543.40
461 Entires not counting incentives
Open 1D winner Randee Brindle on Red Man Jones with a time of 14.804
Total Payout $91,130.20 Not counting Prizes
Open 1D winner Nisa Berry on VF Look Im Back with a time of 15.525
Total Payout $17,672.00
11/30/2019 Open 1D winner Harlee Barela on Thlast Wicked with a time of 15.098
12/01/2019 Open 1D winner Kim Schulz on French Me Or Else with a time of 14.967
Main Race 1D winner Kim Schulz on French Me Or Else with a time of 14.967
Total Payout $64,035.00
Open 1D winner Kate Neill on Jo with a time of 15.83
Total Payout $8339.00
Friday Open 1D winner Cindy Mainus Jett on BB Runnin On Time with a time of 14.953
Saturday Open 1D winner Sabra Quinn on Slicks Lil Amigo with a time of 14.692
Sunday Open 1D winner Nisa Berry on VF Look Im Back with a time of 14.595
Total Payout $75,515.24
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