Wed Jackpot @ the EXPO Center June 12, 2024 Results
Open 1D winner Lola Parnell on Lisa with a time of 15.171
Total Payout $ 2,044.00
Open 1D winner Lola Parnell on Lisa with a time of 15.171
Total Payout $ 2,044.00
1D winner Emma Smith on Lola with a time of 15.210
Total Payout $$ 1,008.00
March 2nd Open 1D winner Jordan Miller on SH Sky High Fame with a time of 14.865
March 3rd Open 1D winner John Ressler on Nothing But Talent with a time of 14.915
Total Payout $ 26,928.00
Open 1D winner Cassidy Thomas on Shiftwell with a time of 14.903
Total Payout $2,856.00
10/21/2023 Open 1D winner Worth Evans on Adios Muchachas with a time of 15.769
10/22/2023 Open 1D winner Dawn Link on Dominator with a time of 15.606
Total Payout $29,024.10
Open 1D winner Havana Wester on About French N Time with a time of 14.919
Total Payout $12,332.00
OPEN 1D winner Havana Wester on About French N Time with a time of 15.126
Total Payout $13,416.00
Open 1D winner Jada Trosper on Sun N Sevens with a time of 15.154
Total Payout $21,276.04
Open 1D winner Donya Winters on Nellie with a time of 16.024
Total Payout $5,619.00
Open 1D winner Amberleigh Moore on Blue Duck Down with a time of 13.708
Total Payout $102,394.00
Open 1D winner Randee Brindle on Red Man Jones with a time of 14.804
Total Payout $91,130.20 Not counting Prizes
Open 1D winner Stacey Gates on Born Ta Fame with a time of 15.139
Total Payout $10,344.00
With advanced search
Friday Open 1D winner SHELBY MCCAMEY on CUZ IM FRENCH with a time of 15.431
Saturday Open 1D winner PAIGE JONES on HIGH COTTON LANE with a time of 15.263
Total for 2 days $19,871.15
09/20/2019 Open 1D winner Meghan Johnson on Royal Swamp with a time of 14.968
09/21/2019 Open 1D winner Spring Pennington on Ciscos Lena Bug with a time of 14.622
Total Payout $18,559.49
Open 1D winner Brittany Mayfield on Horse 1 with a time of 16.671
Total Payout $12,219.99
Open 1D winner Kelsey Lutjen on TS Queens Shake Em with a time of 15.707
Total Payout $7,425.00
09/21/2018 Open 1D winner Becky Dillard on Wow She’s Hot with a time of 15.197
09/22/2018 Open 1D winner Autumn Woodruff on Raw Firepower with a time of 14.971
Total Payout $21,602.65
Saturday Open 1D winner Ryley Flores on Sams Guy To the Dash with a time of 14.963
Sunday Open 1D winner Jackie Jatzlau on Good To Be King with a time of 15.015
08/09/2018 Open 1D winner Lorissa Merritt on Hiva Biva with a time of 15.748
08/10/2018 Open 1D winner Patton Lynch on JJJ Bonnie Rae with a time of 14.992
08/11/2018 Open 1D winner Molli Montgomery on Makin Ya Famous with a time of 14.996
08/12/2018 Open 1D winner Patton Lynch JJJ on Bonnie Rae with a time of 14.828
Total Payout $ 35,473.00
Open 1D winner Scamper Cole on Wrapit N Snapit with a time of 15.901
Total Payout $6192.01
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