Destry’s Free 4 All Searchable Results
Open 1D winner Jana Riley on JLR Fire on Parade with a time of 14.588
Total Cash Payout $ 75,085.54
Open 1D winner Jana Riley on JLR Fire on Parade with a time of 14.588
Total Cash Payout $ 75,085.54
06/04/22 Open 1D winner Becky Dillard on Wow Shes Hot with a time of 14.969
06/05/22 Open 1D winner Paige Jones on High Cotton Lane with a time 14.794
Average 1D winner Autumn Woodruff on Frenchmans Factor with a time of 15.170
Total Payout $32,232.82
05/20/2022 Open 1D winner Jana Riley on JLR Fire On Parade on 14.714
05/21/2022 Open 1D winner Sydney Frey on JDS Warrior with a time of 14.768
Total Payout $46,944.00
Open 1D winner Alyssa Lockhart on LLP Silent Prayer with a time of 15.898
Total Payout $ 10,444.80
Open 1D winner Cheyenne Wimberley on A Streak Ta The Moon with a time of 17.204
Total Payout $12,229.00
Open 1D winner Kelsey Treharne on VF Wishbone Red with a time of 15.879
Total Payout $20,793.00
Open 1D winner Jana Riley on JLR One Slick Guy with a time of 17.109
Total Payout $12961.00
09/17/21 Open 1D winner Mecca Hickox on Arrow Dynamic Effort with a time of 14.935
09/18/21 Open 1D winner Jana Guthrie on Furicious Lady Chaser with a itme of 15.043
Total Payout $15,974.53
1D winner Schelli Creacy on Nico with a time of 17.179
Total Payout $9633.00
Open 1D winner Cassidy Champlin on Casadys Cash N Fame with a time of 13.658
Total Payout $19,764.00
01/23/2021 Open 1D winner Rainey Skelton on Jewell with a time of 14.857
01/24/2021 Open 1D winner Brittany Tonozzi on Babe on the Chase with a time of 14.928
Total Payout $20,693.00
Open 1D winner Abby Pursifull on Pearl Snapping with a time of16.495
Total Payout $8,332.00
05/16/2020 Open 1D winner Brittany Tonozzi on Babe on the Chase with a time of 15.681
05/17/2020 Open 1D winner Jennifer Driver on DTF Way Ta with a time of 15.664
Total Payout $21,604.00
03/12/2020 HHA Futurity 1D winner JANNA BROWN on JETS TOP GUN with a time of 14.935
03/13/2020 HHA Futurity 1D winner MAGGIE CARTER on TRES LECHE with a time of 14.983
03/14/2020 HHA Futurity Short-Go Fast Time 1D winner DACOTA MONK on FAMOUS LEMON DROP with a time of 14.84
03/14/2020 Open 1D winner WENDA JOHNSON on DREAMS FIRST FLASH with a time of 14.778
03/15/2020 Open 1D winner KYSAN BUCKNER on HES FURIOUS with item of 14.66
Open Average Incentive 1D winner WENDA JOHNSON on DREAMS FIRST FLASH with a time of 29.528
Total Payout $238,843.66
Open 1D winner Kim Schulz on French Me or Else with a time of 15.161
Total Payout $11322.05
01/24/2020 Open 1D winner Skylar Eisinger on Mr Deedz with a time of 14.581
01/25/2020 Open 1D winner Troy Crumrine on Crewzin with a time of 14.527
01/26/2020 Open 1D winner Skylar Eisinger on Mr Deedz with a time of 14.634
Total Payout $86,190.35
09/20/2019 Open 1D winner Meghan Johnson on Royal Swamp with a time of 14.968
09/21/2019 Open 1D winner Spring Pennington on Ciscos Lena Bug with a time of 14.622
Total Payout $18,559.49
Open 1D winner Lisa Nicholas with a time of 17.171
Total Payout $22,498.00
07/25/2019 Open 1D winner Jessica Dahl on Sky Blue Bella with a time of 15.045
07/26/2019 Open 1D winner Kylar Terlip on Groovee with a time 15.094
07/27/2019 Open 1D winner Kylar Terlip on French Revierra with a time of 14.937
07/28/2019 Open 1D winner Skyler Nicholas on Perrywater Dash with a time 14.815
Total Payout $49,139.99
Youth Championship 1D winner KYSAN BUCKNER ON PYRON ROSE WITH A TIME OF 14.966
TOTAL PAYOUT $138,488.11
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