37th Annual Ogden 8 & Under Results
Open AVG 1D winner Patty Clark on Dashin Bob with a time of 31.713
Youth AVG 1D winner Dusky Lynn Hall on Add A Dash with a time of 31.864
Total Payout $44782.77
Open AVG 1D winner Patty Clark on Dashin Bob with a time of 31.713
Youth AVG 1D winner Dusky Lynn Hall on Add A Dash with a time of 31.864
Total Payout $44782.77
05/08/21 OPEN 1D winner Natalie Zuccone on Technistones with a time of 14.881
05/09/21 OPEN 1D winner Becky Dillard on Wow Shes Hot with a time of 14.954
Total Payout $30,488.01
10/17/2020 Open 1D winner MIRANDA EMMERT on PRIME TIME TRES with a time of 15.515
10/18/2020 Open 1D winner KELLY ALLEN on MISS JB 165 with a time of 15.548
Total Payout $22,922.00
06/11/2020 Open 1D winner Courtney Worthington on Rey of Fame with a time of 15.455
06/12/2020 Open 1D winner Callie Albrecht on Famous Fetch with a time of 15.509
Total Payout $23,461.00
Open 1D winner Randee Brindle on Red Man Jones with a time of 14.804
Total Payout $91,130.20 Not counting Prizes
10/26/2018 Open 1D winner Emily Thompson with a time of 15.082
10/27/2018 Open 1D winner Abby Phillips on Crown Ta Fame with a time of 14.812
10/28/2018 Open 1D winner Abby Phillips on Crown Ta Fame with a time of 14.769
Total Show Payout $25,752.00
10/05/2018 OPEN 1D winner Nicole Laurence on Bullys Little Dash with a time of 15.119
10/06/2018 OPEN 1D winner Wenda Johnson on Dreams First Flash with a time of 14.805
10/07/2018 OPEN 1D winner Acey Pinkston on Laico Corona with a time of 14.775
Open AVG 1D winner London Gotham on fortunes flame with a time of 14.969
Total show payout $129,292.49
Saturday Open 1D winner Ryley Flores on Sams Guy To the Dash with a time of 14.963
Sunday Open 1D winner Jackie Jatzlau on Good To Be King with a time of 15.015
Main Race 1 1D winner Wenda Johnson on Dreams First Flash with a time of 14.767
Main Race 2 1D winner Wenda Johnson on Dreams First Flash with a time of 14.789
Main Race 3 1D winner Wenda Johnson on Dreams First Flash with a time of 14.934
Total Payout $32,563.78
Race 1 1D winner Kim Ferguson on Three Smashed Bugs with a time of 15.264
Race 2 1D winner 1D Shea Lynn Leach on Louie Bug with a time of 14.997
Race 3 1D Winner Lisa Nicholas On Stoli My Guy with a time of 15.014
Total Payout $40,007.62
Saturday Open 1D winner Jill Patteson on Eyesa Redneck Bully with a time of 15.421
Sunday Open 1D winner Lliana Medina on Peppy Go hobo with a time of 15.263
Total Payout $ 12,697.00
Thursday Open 1D winner James Barnes on Watch me Firen with a time of 14.777
Friday Open 1D winner Destri Devenport on DTF Way TA Fire with a time 14.888
Saturday Open 1D Winner Shelby Spielman on Fame N Red Hot with a time of 14.753
Sunday Open 1D winner Devon Brown on Suspect Bugs with a time of 15.03
Total Show Payout $93,815.83
08/03/2017 Jackpot 1D winner Danny Cipri on Ima Frosty Leader with a time of 15.674
08/04/2017 Open 1D winner Shannon Pearson on Reds Roany Pony with a time of 15.135
08/05/2017 Open 1D winner Taylor Smith on Cash Flow Depot with a time of 14.889Â
07/28/2017 Open 1D winner Patton Ann Lynch on Firin To Be A Hero with a time of 16.943
07/29/2017 Open 1D winner Lacy Schoenthal on Your Lion Bugs Me with a time of 16.626
07/30/2017 Open 1D winner Jane Fambrough on Spotted Diamond with a time of 16.597
Total Payout $38,884.50
Open 1D winner Frances Crowhurst on Late Night Nuz with a time of 15.342
Total Payout $7,763
Friday Main Race 1D winner Deven Riggins on SV Southern Comfort with a time of 15.289
Saturday Main Race 1D winner Jane Lambro on Chasin Irish Whisky with a time of 14.998
Sunday Main Race 1D winner Karsyn Daniels on ZZs Jetting Muffin with a time of 15.230
Total Payout $23,329.63
Main Race 1 1D winner KAITLYN EBEN on NW OTOES MIA JEWEL with a time of 15.400
Main Race 2 1D winner JORDAN ELLERY on REGAN SPECIAL with a time of 15.134
Open 1D winner Danielle Schubert on Rogue Cash Account with a time of 15.442
Total Show Payout $7,387
Open 1D winner Sissy Winn on Flushy Red Flame with a time of 15.283
Total Show Payout $7,278.00
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