BRAT Bringin The Heat July 27- 28 Results
7/27/2024 Open 1D winner Patty Clark on No Mas Oil with a time of 15.644
Total Payout $ 31,581.00
7/27/2024 Open 1D winner Patty Clark on No Mas Oil with a time of 15.644
Total Payout $ 31,581.00
1D winner Ashlyn Goven on smooth and Irsh with a time of 15.303
Total Payout $1,932.00
08/11/23 Open 1D winner Patty Clark on No Mas Oil with a time of 16.913
08/12/23 Open 1D winner Margo Smith on Quietly Famous with a time of 16.897
08/13/23 Open 1D winner Tori Huddleston on Scratch At The Gate with a time of 16.930
Total Payout in Open, Youth, Seniors and BBR $31,498.00
Open 1D winner Chelsea Wells on French Beebe with a time of 13.780
Total Payout $ 1,261.00
Open 1D winner Scamper Cole on Ima Epic Huster with a time of 15.450
Total Payout $13,240.00
1D winner Sarah Cobb on Little Snippy Girl with a time of 15.941
Total Payout $756.00
01/24/2020 Open 1D winner Skylar Eisinger on Mr Deedz with a time of 14.581
01/25/2020 Open 1D winner Troy Crumrine on Crewzin with a time of 14.527
01/26/2020 Open 1D winner Skylar Eisinger on Mr Deedz with a time of 14.634
Total Payout $86,190.35
Friday Open 1D winner Cindy Mainus Jett on BB Runnin On Time with a time of 14.953
Saturday Open 1D winner Sabra Quinn on Slicks Lil Amigo with a time of 14.692
Sunday Open 1D winner Nisa Berry on VF Look Im Back with a time of 14.595
Total Payout $75,515.24
Open 1D winner Tiany Schuster on Micguyver with a time of 15.875
Total Payout $14,822.00
Open 1D winner Spring Pennington on Ciscos Lena Bug with a time of 14.749
Total Payout $11,347.95
09/20/2019 Open 1D winner Meghan Johnson on Royal Swamp with a time of 14.968
09/21/2019 Open 1D winner Spring Pennington on Ciscos Lena Bug with a time of 14.622
Total Payout $18,559.49
Open 1D winner Brynn Owens on Strawflyin The Gold with a time of 15.835
Total Payout $2,836.00
Open 1D winner Carlos Renato on JL Tularosa with a time of 16.013
Total Payout $2,784.00
Open 1D winner Maddie Deleon on Skippa To Da Cash with a time of 15.960
Total Payout $2,887.00
Open 1D winner Brittany Tonozzi with a time of 16.746
Total Payout $13,817.00
Open 1D WINNER Kelli Barrichello ON Dats Last Frenchman with a time of 14.677
Total Payout $10,115.99
09/21/2018 Open 1D winner Becky Dillard on Wow She’s Hot with a time of 15.197
09/22/2018 Open 1D winner Autumn Woodruff on Raw Firepower with a time of 14.971
Total Payout $21,602.65
Open 1D winner Wenda Johnson on Dreams First Flash with a time of 13.817
Total Show Payout $2,123
1D winner Taylor Simpson on BC Cold As Ice with a time of 15.614
Total Payout $1,139
Shepherd’s Valley Cowboy Church Arena
1D winner Davie King with a time of 15.475
Total Show Payout $7,151
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