Jackpot @ The Expo August 9, 2023 Results
1D winner Tres Schaack on Ken with a time of 15.440
Total Payout $1,511.00
1D winner Tres Schaack on Ken with a time of 15.440
Total Payout $1,511.00
1D winner Kelly Bruner on tres with a time of 14.599
Total Payout $5404
Open 1D winner Rylee Leach on Louie Bug with a time of 17.049
Total Payout $20,224.00
Open 1D winner Stephanie Fryar on Johnny with a time of 15.766
Total Payout $3,019.00
Open 1D winner Chelsea Wells on French Beebe with a time of 15.458
Total Payout $1,541.00
Open 1D winner Kylar Terlip on Jock with a time of 17.286
Total Payout $2,566.00
1D winner Helen Nowosad on Raise The Gold Bar with a time of 16.028
Total Payout $ 1,456.00
Friday Open 1D winner Jane Melby on RDC Django Unfeigned with a time of 14.764
Saturday Open 1D winner Lisa Nicholas on Stoli My Guy with a time of 14.725
Total Payout $24247.00
Open 1D winner Kelsey Lutjen on TS Queens Shake Em with a time of 15.707
Total Payout $7,425.00
Open 1D winner Patton Lynch on JJJ Bonnie Rae with a time of 15.338
Total Payout $19,528.40
08/09/2018 Open 1D winner Lorissa Merritt on Hiva Biva with a time of 15.748
08/10/2018 Open 1D winner Patton Lynch on JJJ Bonnie Rae with a time of 14.992
08/11/2018 Open 1D winner Molli Montgomery on Makin Ya Famous with a time of 14.996
08/12/2018 Open 1D winner Patton Lynch JJJ on Bonnie Rae with a time of 14.828
Total Payout $ 35,473.00
08/04/2018 Open 1D winner JOLENE MONTGOMERY on LOUIE BUG with a time of 15.114
08/05/2018 Open 1D winner PATTON LYNCH on JJJ BONNIE RAY with a time of 14.938
QUALIFIER 1D winner PATTON LYNCH on JJJ BONNIE RAY with a time of 14.938
Total Payout $4,1318.02
Open 1D winner Sara Withers on Frenchman Perks with a time of 13.822
Total Payout $8,965.00
Open 1D winner Cindy Mainus on BB Runnin on Time with a time of 14.026
Total Payout $7775
09/22/2017 1D winner Jaycie Cundall Primos on Jaycie Acre with a time of 15.160
09/23/2017 1D winner Alyssa Glass on Take A Ride Guys with a time of 15.319
09/24/2017 1D winner Jaycee Cundall on Primos Jaycee Acre with a time of 15.406
Total Payout $60,507
SHOOTOUT POLES AVG 1D winner Kathy Warren on WR Peponic Promise with a time of 20.007
SHOOTOUT BARRELS AVG 1D winner Shea-Lynn Leach on NMD Chesters Lil Bunny with a time of 17.018
Total Payout $ 82399.21
Open 1D winner Jaylan Neatherlin on Teller with a time of 14.047
Total Show Payout $8,939
Open 1D winner Brianna Trepanned on DHR Phoebes Rose with a time of 13.875
Total Show Payout $9,145
Saturday Main Race 1D winner PATTON LYNCH on TINY BIT FRENCH with a time of 15.452
Sunday Main Race 1D winner KENNA SQUIRES on TELLEM IM FAMOUS with a time of 15.433
Total Show Payout $48,702.69
1D winner Kelly Bruner on Suzytresseis with a time of 15.137
Total Payout $5,017
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