2023 Destrys Free 4 All Results
Open 1D winner Sammie Willoughby on SW the Bayou Bug with a time of 14.409
Total Cash Payout $74,097.58
Open 1D winner Sammie Willoughby on SW the Bayou Bug with a time of 14.409
Total Cash Payout $74,097.58
08/13/2022 Open 1D winner Scamper Cole on DM Streak Aboo with a time of 15.2
08/14/2022 Open 1D winner Scamper Cole on DM Streak Aboo with a time 14.946
Average 1D winner Scamper Cole on DM Streak Aboo with a time of 15.073
Open 1D winner Jana Riley on JLR Fire on Parade with a time of 14.588
Total Cash Payout $ 75,085.54
09/17/21 Open 1D winner Mecca Hickox on Arrow Dynamic Effort with a time of 14.935
09/18/21 Open 1D winner Jana Guthrie on Furicious Lady Chaser with a itme of 15.043
Total Payout $15,974.53
05/21/2021 Open 1D winner Tara Carr on Jess Dee with a time of 14.875
05/22/2021 Open 1D winner Taylor Baize on Bo with a time of 14.834
Total Payout $42,697.00
Open 1D WINNER Kelli Barrichello ON Dats Last Frenchman with a time of 14.677
Total Payout $10,115.99
Open 1D winner Scamper Cole on DM Streak Aboo with a time of15.237
Total Payout $10,030.00
Open 1D winner Jamie Hinton with a time of 15.96
SHOOTOUT POLES AVG 1D winner Kathy Warren on WR Peponic Promise with a time of 20.007
SHOOTOUT BARRELS AVG 1D winner Shea-Lynn Leach on NMD Chesters Lil Bunny with a time of 17.018
Total Payout $ 82399.21
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